City of Jackson

Title Ends Time Left
Attachment: MLK Bridge Replacment_100% Specs March 2025.pdf 
29-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 30d, 11h+
Attachment: Bid-Gallatin St_McDowell Road Resurfacing_100% Specs 3.6.2025.pdf 
29-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 30d, 11h+
Attachment: 2025-03-18 Pulse at Farish Civil Specs-Technical.pdf 
22-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 23d, 11h+
Attachment: 109282_CD's_03042025 (1).pdf 
22-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 23d, 11h+
Attachment: 91263-041525-RFP-REPAIR-REMODEL OF GROVE PARK POOLS..pdf 
15-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 16d, 11h+
Attachment: 07208-041525- Knuckleboom Trash Loader & Dump Body.pdf 
15-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 16d, 11h+
Attachment: 07203-041525 12-Month contract for 2025 & 2026 Pickup Trucks Department of Parks & Recreation.pdf 
15-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 16d, 11h+
15-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 16d, 11h+
Attachment: Bid-Planning & Development Project-1075 Pecan Park Cr..pdf 
08-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 9d, 11h+
Attachment: Bid-Planning & Development-Project 1055 Harris Dale LN.pdf 
08-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 9d, 11h+
Attachment: Bid-Planning & Development -1525 Ellis Ave.pdf 
08-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 9d, 11h+
Attachment: SKM_458e25031117120.pdf 
08-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 9d, 11h+
Attachment: SKM_458e25031117210.pdf 
08-Apr-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT 9d, 11h+
Attachment: 109280_CD's.pdf 
25-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 07203-031825 12-Month Contract for 2025 & 2026 Pickup Trucks Department of Park & Recreation.pdf 
18-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: BEASLEY Road Bridge 2024.pdf 
18-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 98846-031825 RFP-GROVE PARK SPORT LIGHTING.pdf 
18-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: SKM_458e25020416180.pdf 
18-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 96866-031125 12-Month contracts with 12-Month Options to Extend for City Right-of-Way  Maintenance.pdf 
11-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 07208-031125 Trash Truck with Knuckle Boom-2025.pdf 
11-Mar-2025 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: RFP - DPA Program 2.pdf 
25-Feb-2025 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: CoJ 911 Operations Center - Construction Drawings - 2024-1206.pdf 
04-Feb-2025 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: Beasley Road Resurfacing Specs_100%-compressed.pdf 
28-Jan-2025 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: Bid Specs for 2025 Publications (1).pdf 
03-Dec-2024 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: 1542_001.pdf 
05-Nov-2024 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: RFP TOD Comprehensive Plan (Re-Issue) (1).pdf 
05-Nov-2024 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: 1504_001.pdf 
05-Nov-2024 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: 74505-100124-24-Month Supply of Asphaltic Paving Materials.PDF 
01-Oct-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 108075 Woodrow Wilson Ave MLK to Mill Plans.pdf 
30-Jul-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: PUBLIC NOTICE MOTOR VEHICLE ASSESSMENT 2024 Revised by legal 06-24 Publication date 07-11-24.doc 
16-Jul-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT Expired
Attachment: Revised SOQ Section 108 Downtown Development 2024.pdf 
16-Apr-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: State St Signals - SPECS.pdf 
02-Apr-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 1034_001 (2).pdf 
02-Apr-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: Woodrow Wilson Ave Signal - PLANS.pdf 
02-Apr-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 1004_001 (1).pdf 
19-Mar-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: Mosquito 2024 RFP Document Revised.pdf 
19-Mar-2024 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 0919_001.pdf 
06-Feb-2024 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: City of Jackson EBO Plan.pdf 
06-Feb-2024 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: Bid Specs Legal Publication-Central Bidding-Website 2024.pdf 
05-Dec-2023 3:30:00 PM CST Expired
Attachment: RFP - DPA Program.pdf 
17-Oct-2023 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 4226 UP C80 C2 Gen Restaurant.docx 
27-Sep-2023 1:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 4225 SE R1 Horse Stable.docx 
27-Sep-2023 1:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 4224 UP R4 Manufactured Home.docx 
27-Sep-2023 1:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 4223 UP C-3 Extended Stay.docx 
27-Sep-2023 1:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 0501_001.pdf 
26-Sep-2023 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: Parcel 824-548 Bid & GISS forms.pdf 
22-Aug-2023 3:29:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: 0385_001.pdf 
25-Jul-2023 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: ShopLocalIncentiveSystem RFP 2023 rev date 6.2.23.pdf 
15-Jun-2023 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: Jackson Planetarium Renovation - Project Manual - CDs - 03-02-23.pdf 
13-Jun-2023 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired
Attachment: Bid Form.pdf 
25-Apr-2023 3:30:00 PM CDT Expired