Jones County School District Request for Architect Qualifications
Mississippi > Jones County School District
RFQ: 99817861
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Jones County Schools Request for Architect Qualifications

The Jones County School District is seeking formal Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for architectural/engineering design and bid services related to the following projects:

To make capital improvements for the following primary projects on the campuses of the Jones County
• Design, bid, and facilitate the building of the following infrastructure projects:
       o LED Lighting at the South Jones High School Football and Baseball fields comparable to
lighting already in place at Northeast Jones High and West Jones High
       o LED lighting at the softball fields at Northeast Jones High, South Jones High, and West
Jones High comparable to the LED lighting already present at Northeast Jones High and
West Jones High Baseball Field

The district funded project is estimated not to exceed $1,500,000 dollars and must be completed as soon as possible.
• To conduct an evaluation of all roofing systems and HVAC systems of the campuses of the Jones County Schools:
     o Develop a replacement schedule and propose replacement options as needed based on
prioritized need

Secondary alternate projects, as funding is available, to include the following: (Note: fees will not be paid unless alternate projects have been approved by the Board)
• Turfing the three high school football fields at Northeast Jones High, South Jones High School, and
West Jones High School
• Upgrading the lighting and sound systems at the three high school Performing Arts Centers (PAC)
• Parking lot upgrades, paving, and striping at all 10 school campuses (East Jones Elementary, Glade Elementary School, Moselle Elementary School, North Jones Elementary School, South Jones Elementary School, West Jones Elementary School, Northeast Jones High School, South Jones High
School, West Jones High School, and Jones County Career Tech-Center)

Please include the following information in your proposal:
• Qualifications of member(s) in the area of the project described above
• Qualifications of any sub-contractors, not members of your firm, who will be utilized as a consultant in
the project described above
• Prior involvement or experience with similar projects
• Certification that your firm or individual members of your firm have not been disbarred, suspended, or
otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal assistant programs or any type of
construction related activities with federal or district funds
• The contractual fee for services, to design, bid, coordinate, and insure compliance with all federal, state,
and local mandates related to the projects listed above

The selected firm will be required to provide proof of insurance, Form W-9 IRS Form, and certify other federal and
state requirements upon execution of a contractual agreement.

The Jones County School District (JCSD) Board of Education reserves the right to evaluate the qualifications and fee
rates based on the proposal that is most advantageous to the Jones County School District. The Jones County School
District Board of Education also reserves the right to reject any and all Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) and bids that
may result from this process.

For consideration by the Jones County School District Board of Education, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) should
be received by mail or hand delivery no later than August 31, 2023, by 10:00 a.m.

B.R. Jones, PhD
Jones County School District
Superintendent of Education

Creator Username: JCSDEH
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Aug-2023 1:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 31-Aug-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 241 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 31-Aug-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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