Advertisement for Bids – 8th & Easy Tunnel Attachment: 2023-09-01 8th & Easy Tunnel - Project Manual.pdf 
Arkansas > City of Rogers
Solicitation: 98897624
Listing Information/Advertisement
City of Rogers
8th & Easy Tunnel

Notice is hereby given that the City of Rogers, hereinafter called the Owner, will accept sealed bids for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment needed for the Project identified as: 8th & Easy Tunnel, located in Rogers, Arkansas.
8th & Easy Tunnel project will consist of a trail head with parking on Easy St near the intersection at 8th St, shared-use concrete trail, and pedestrian tunnel under 8th St (Hwy 94).
A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 11 A.M. on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at the City of Rogers Community Room. Each bidder shall be limited to three personnel per organization.  Attendees are encouraged to join virtually via a link that will be provided on Central Bidding. 
Electronic or sealed bids will be accepted at the City of Rogers City Clerk’s Office, 301 W Chestnut St., Rogers, Arkansas, until 2:00pm, local time on September 19, 2023 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Sealed bids should be addressed to: City of Rogers, City Clerk, 301 West Chestnut St., Rogers, AR, 72756.
Bids received after the above time and date will be rejected. Bid security, as defined in the Instructions To Bidders, in the amount of five percent of the Bid amount must accompany the submitted bid. Any questions pertaining to the bid documents can be directed to the Owner’s representative, CEI Engineering & Associates, located at 3108 SW Regency Parkway, Suite 2, Bentonville, Arkansas 72712. The Owner’s representative can be reached at (479) 273-9472.
Bidders shall make such inspection and studies of the site of the work as to familiarize themselves with all conditions to be encountered.
Official bid documents can be downloaded, and electronic bids submitted at Central Bidding at For any questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814. Bid advertisement and information is also available at For questions relating to the bid documents, contact Carter Smith, at (479) 273-9472 or [email protected]. Addendums to the bid package will be issued through the Central Bidding online Plan Holders List; therefore, all prime bidders shall be responsible for downloading the bid documents from Central Bidding in order to be included in the Plan Holders List.  Bidders must enter the addenda numbers in Article 3.01 of the Bid Form to verify receipt.
The City of Rogers hereby notifies all bidders that this contract is subject to applicable labor laws, non-discrimination provisions, wage rate laws and other federal laws including the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. The Work Hours Act of 1962 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also apply.
The City of Rogers encourages all qualified small, minority-owned, and women-owned business enterprises to bid on and receive contracts for goods, services, and construction. Also, the City of Rogers encourages all general contractors to subcontract portions of their contract to qualified small, minority-owned, and women-owned business enterprises.
The City of Rogers reserves the right to accept any bid, to reject any or all bids, or to waive any information in bids received where such acceptance, rejection, or waiver is considered to be in the best interest of the City.

Bids must remain in effect for 90 days after the bid opening date. Within 90 days from the bid date, the Owner may award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder or reject any or all bids for the project.


Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
BenchmarkConstruction on 08-Sep-2023 9:10:45 AM CDT
Fence Questions: Plans referring to gates, but I do not see any on the plans. Are there gates I’m not seeing? Plan note refers to “Structural Engineering detail”. I do not see a detail on the post going into the retain walls. Is there a detail as they referred to? I see the detail for 4’ chain link on retaining wall. There is also a detail for 6’ chain link and I think I found at the end of the wall on the south east side. It seems like it’s 66lf, but it does not say.Begins at station 1366 and ends at station 11+41.78 Are we to combine the 6’ and 4’ together on the bid sheet where it asks for 1350 ft chain link? Or enter a line item for the 66’ 6’ chain link?
BenchmarkConstruction on 08-Sep-2023 9:12:40 AM CDT
Fence Questions: Plans referring to gates, but I do not see any on the plans. Are there gates I’m not seeing? Plan note refers to “Structural Engineering detail”. I do not see a detail on the post going into the retain walls. Is there a detail as they referred to? I see the detail for 4’ chain link on retaining wall. There is also a detail for 6’ chain link and I think I found at the end of the wall on the south east side. It seems like it’s 66lf, but it does not say.Begins at station 1366 and ends at station 11+41.78 Are we to combine the 6’ and 4’ together on the bid sheet where it asks for 1350 ft chain link? Or enter a line item for the 66’ 6’ chain link?
BenchmarkConstruction on 11-Sep-2023 9:03:27 AM CDT
Retaining wall questions: Is the retaining wall intended to be tapered as shown on sheet S5, or is it straight as shown on sheet S6? Do the expansion joints on sheet S5, section A and B need to be caulked? Can class 7 agg base be used for the trail fill shown on sheet S5, wall type A and B?
HEAVY1993 on 11-Sep-2023 2:42:24 PM CDT
In the bid documents on this project, it states that there is a bid bond included. I cannot locate one. Will you be providing a bid bond for this project or can our Surety agency use a “standard” bid bond?
BenchmarkConstruction on 11-Sep-2023 3:04:41 PM CDT
Please clarify which pay items are intended for 1) Granular backfill, sheet S6 backfill detail. 2) Select backfill, sheet S6 backfill detail.
BenchmarkConstruction on 13-Sep-2023 2:01:09 PM CDT
8th St Closure Question: At pre-bid meeting we were told that there were no time constraints on lane closure at tunnel. Please see sheet C7.0 note that does limit lane closure time. Which is correct?
BenchmarkConstruction on 13-Sep-2023 2:49:22 PM CDT
Bid Item 28: Concrete Sidewalk Please check your est quantity. I believe you are using 1:20 scale and it should be 1:10. I am coming up with double your estimate
HEAVY1993 on 14-Sep-2023 8:11:42 AM CDT
Please provide a detail for the footing joint called out on the plan view illustrated on Sheet S2 & S3?
HEAVY1993 on 14-Sep-2023 8:17:32 AM CDT
On Sheet S5, Wall Type B Detail shows a 2' section at the top of the wall that is not sloped. Can this portion of the wall be sloped to match the wall below?
HEAVY1993 on 14-Sep-2023 8:21:38 AM CDT
Special Provision 1001-1 calls for Holophane light poles and fixtures but the lighting schedule on Sheet E2.1 calls for a Cooper pole and fixture combo. Please advise which is correct.
BenchmarkConstruction on 14-Sep-2023 3:32:52 PM CDT
Please confirm that contractor is not responsible for relocating any franchise utility lines. Also, plans do not show any water or sewer lines to be relocated. Note E on all demolition plans states GC is responsible. Please clarify.
BenchmarkConstruction on 18-Sep-2023 9:25:24 AM CDT
Concrete sidewalks, bid item #28, quantity was adjusted to 140 sy. Agg base, bid item 29, is related to bid item 28, but was not adjusted to 140 sy? Please clarify.
BenchmarkConstruction on 18-Sep-2023 10:03:01 AM CDT
In Benchmark's opinion, it is not possible to get half of the tunnel completed and traffic opened back up in the amount of time allowed (Fri 9 pm to Mon 5 am). ArDot allowed 14 days for a similar project we completed on Hwy 412. We feel more time is necessary to complete one half of the tunnel and them move to other half.
HEAVY1993 on 19-Sep-2023 3:57:18 PM CDT
The plan shows using a sleeve in concrete to establish posts for fence on retaining wall, the wall is only 8” wide with substantial rebar, our bigger posts are 2 3/8” in diameter so with needing room for adjusting the post and grouting the sleeve would need to be at least 3” and probably bigger on ID so the OD of that would be a minimum of 3 ½” leaving less than 2 ½” on either side of the sleeve. Are posts set on base plates an option?
HEAVY1993 on 19-Sep-2023 3:58:29 PM CDT
Are the Thermoplastic Pavement Markings – White 24” (Crosswalk) to be included in bid item #35 – Raised Crossing? Or will a separate bid item be added for these markings?
HEAVY1993 on 19-Sep-2023 4:04:41 PM CDT
The bid form did not include a line item for topsoil or trees. Can these be added as two separate bid items?
BenchmarkConstruction on 20-Sep-2023 9:41:43 AM CDT
Will the successful bid be determined by the original scope with cast in place retaining wall? Or will substitute alternate bids be factored in?
HEAVY1993 on 20-Sep-2023 10:04:51 AM CDT
The current contract duration is 120 Calendar Days to Substantial Completion. With the complexity and depth of the lift station, retaining walls, etc... Will the City of Rogers extend the Contract Duration for this project and issue a revised Contract Time via addendum prior to bid date?
HEAVY1993 on 20-Sep-2023 10:15:34 AM CDT
Will Anti-Graffiti coating be required on the tunnel and retaining walls?
HEAVY1993 on 20-Sep-2023 2:55:17 PM CDT
What are the liquidated damages for this project?
BenchmarkConstruction on 21-Sep-2023 2:18:53 PM CDT
The alternate bid for redi rock block walls will require the addition of 7 concrete light pole foundations. Will that be a separate bid item or to be included in the alt bid item #1?
All updates/changes are listed below::
21-Sep-2023 5:41:25 PM CDT
Added Addendum 03 for Question Responses, and Plan/Specification Changes.
15-Sep-2023 11:13:52 AM CDT
Added Addendum 02 for Bid Alternate, Time Extension, and Question Responses.
12-Sep-2023 5:07:09 PM CDT
Added Addendum 01 for updated fence detail.
05-Sep-2023 9:05:06 AM CDT
Geotechnical Report uploaded
01-Sep-2023 2:31:54 PM CDT
Bid Documents uploaded