WCSD Tylertown High School RFQ (Request for Quote) for Educational Services
Mississippi > Walthall County School District
RFQ: 98451877
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Project Overview
Funds for requested services are allocated through federal funds. The intent of this proposal is to provide job-embedded professional development and onsite consultation to teachers and administrators during the 2023 – 2024 school term.  Professional learning and student test preparation activities must be specifically designed to increase the academic success of all sub-groups of students as measured by the Mississippi Assessment Program. Specific, attainable growth goals will be determined and agreed upon between the service provider and the Walthall County School District administrative team. These services shall be provided to the Tylertown High School during the 2023-2024 school term.
The services should include 7 – 8th Grade (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies), English II, Algebra I, U. S. History, Biology I, 9 – 12th Grade ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, EL Student Instruction, Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards, Classroom Management, Social-Emotional Learning, and Leadership Coaching.  These services should include intense onsite or virtual job-embedded professional learning, consultative services, student support, classroom management, social-emotional learning, and SPED policy and procedures that are conducted within the classroom with students, teachers, and district instructional coaches, as well as with district and building-level school administrators. Job-embedded professional learning will include data analysis, data-driven Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards, Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards, reading instruction in the content areas, instructional coaching, modeling of instruction, and student test preparation for MAAP re-testing and first-time test-takers as well as ACT and high school subject area test preparation.
Service Providers will be required to provide:
•Written reports to the superintendent, assistant superintendent/instructional supervisor, building-level administrator, and assistant superintendent/federal programs director within two days of a site visit
•Onsite briefings with the superintendent and appropriate district-level administrators
Content-Based Professional Learning: The project must focus on professional learning in English II, Algebra I, U. S. History, Biology I, 9 – 12th Grade ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies content areas based on Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards and the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards, as well as reading instruction in the content areas for teachers in grades K – 12. Alignment to the English II, Algebra I, U. S. History, Biology I, 9 - 12th Grade ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards and the National Staff Development Council Standards must be well defined. Each project will be required to implement a professional learning model that includes intensive onsite professional development.
Additional Professional Learning: All professional learning offerings for EL Student Instruction, Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards, Classroom Management, social-emotional learning, Leadership Coaching, and SPED policy and procedures that are conducted within the classroom with students, teachers, and district instructional coaches as well as with district and building-level school administrators should be included in the proposal with a detailed overview of each.

Creator Username: WCSDVB
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 29-Jun-2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 12-Jul-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 173 Views
Event Status: Expired since 12-Jul-2023 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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