Professional Architectural/Engineering Services for McLeod Park Construction Work
Mississippi > Hancock County
RFQ: 97023933
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Request for Qualifications
Professional Architectural/Engineering Services for McLeod Park Construction Work
HANCOCK COUNTY is requesting proposals from qualified firms and individuals for architectural or engineering services related to repairs at McLeod Park and its expansion of sites in Hancock County. The project is being funded at least partially through Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (“GOMESA”) funds.
Hancock County is requesting proposals for the provision of design, bidding and construction oversight services, and all matters incidental thereto for the project. Proposers shall be willing, ready and able to promptly provide the services on timelines established by the County. Hancock County will only contract with a responsible contractor possessing the ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of this procurement, as determined by the Supervisors and/or its selection committee. The County’s selection committee will consider technical issues as relates to the proposals received and the grant requirements and may obtain assistance with this review in its discretion. Responding firms or individuals should submit a statement of their qualification and experience, as well as that of all of their pertinent personnel.  Proposals will be evaluated by a selection team on the basis of the following criteria and ranked by an assigned point system, being 20 points maximum per category: 1) Knowledge and experience providing services related to federal grant projects and compliance with public policy; 2) Technical competence of staff and principals (qualifications), record of past performance and ability to perform services required; 3) Personnel resources and assessment ability, and entity/individual financial and technical resources; 4) contractor integrity; and 5) knowledge of and familiarity of projects such as those needed for this project.
Firms will be evaluated and ranked using the above criteria. Hancock County reserves the right to negotiate compensation and terms for each of those services with the selected firm as being most qualified, with the amount of any and all costs being capped and with the County also utilizing relevant federal cost principles. In the instance negotiations with the highest-ranking qualified firm fail, Hancock County may negotiate with the second highest scoring responsive firm, and so forth. Hancock County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any irregularities or formalities in proposal process, and to reject any and all proposal. By submitting a proposal, the proposing entities or persons waive any right to seek damages related to their proposal and acknowledge the County’s right to reject any or all proposal, or portions thereof. Hancock County further reserves the right engage entities or firms for only some of the services listed above.
All proposals should be sealed and properly labeled “Professional Service Proposals – McLeod Park.” The County is an equal opportunity employer and contractor, and specifically solicits with this proposal small and minority firms, women’s business enterprises and labor surplus area firms to submit proposals. The County will further take additional further steps to assure that such minority businesses, women’s business enterprises and labor surplus area firms are used when possible, including its right to utilize any of the methods outlined in 2 CFR Section 200.321.  Any contract resulting from this request for proposals will contain contract provisions including those listed in Title 2 CFR Sections 200.318-316, or otherwise required by the GOMESA funding guidelines. Proposers shall agree to be bound by those terms and to ensure grant and work compliance with same.
Proposals shall be addressed and delivered to Eddie Favre, County Administrator, no later than 10:00 a.m. on June 17, 2019. Proposals may be mailed or hand-delivered to: Attention: Office of the County Administrator, 854-A Highway 90, Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520. Any mailed or hand-delivered proposal must actually be received by the County Administrator prior to the 10:00 a.m., June 17, 2019 deadline. The name and mailing address of the firm or individual submitting the proposal should appear on the face of the envelope. Please submit any questions you have concerning this matter via U.S. Mail, postage prepaid to Eddie Favre at 854-A Highway 90, Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520.
Request made pursuant to May 20, 2019 Order of Board of Supervisors.
                                                                                    /s/Blaine Lafontaine, President
Please Publicize on May 25, 2019 and June 1, 2019

Gary M. Yarborough, Jr.
845 B Highway 90
Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520
T. (228) 467-5771
E. [email protected]

Additional Notes/Requirements
HANCOCK COUNTY is requesting proposals from qualified firms and individuals for architectural or engineering services related to repairs at McLeod Park and its expansion of sites in Hancock County. Requesting proposals for the provision of design, bidding and construction oversight services, and all matters incidental thereto for the project.
Creator Username: HCMSAS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 23-May-2019 11:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 17-Jun-2019 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 935 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 17-Jun-2019 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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