Mississippi > Warren County
RFP: 96603930
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Warren County Mississippi (hereinafter the County) is developing land located at 1200 HWY 80, Vicksburg MS 39180 for a new County Jail. The County is seeking confidential sealed proposals for the Design and Implementation of Audio Video Systems and Equipment related to the Warren County Jail Project.
Contractors interested in submitting a proposal for this project are invited to review the proposal package on the Central Bidding Website at the followig address:
 For any questions relating to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814 or the Warren County Purchasing Dept., 913 Jackson Street, Vicksburg, MS 39183, 601-638-7428.
A pre-proposal meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at 10:00AM. Join Zoom Meeting with link below:
Meeting ID: 810 7101 3215
Passcode: 303157
Each proposal shall be accompanied by a proposal surety in the form of a Bid Bond or other certified funds payable to Warren County in the amount of 5% of the total bid. Contractors who submit proposals that do not result in an award or contract shall have their proposal surety returned to them.
Proposals must be signed by an owner or authorized officer of the company and shall be submitted utilizing Central Bidding before the closing date and time listed above. Late submissions will not be allowed.
               The Warren County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to determine responsible proposing companies, responsive and most advantageous proposal(s), invite bids from multiple bidders, reject any and all proposals or bids and waive minor informalities in the proposal and bid process.  Warren County reserves the right to award a contract to the bidder(s) believed most advantageous to Warren County with price and other factors considered.
This notice is published pursuant to an order of the said Board of Supervisors dated 5th day of August 2024.
                                                                        Warren County Board of Supervisors
                                                                        By: Victoria Bell, Purchasing Agent
PUBLISH:        November 20, 2024
                        November 27, 2024

Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
lig2024 on 26-Nov-2024 3:37:28 PM CST
When will the other documents listed under communications on pg 6 be available to view, specifically the drawings?
EPSMS on 26-Nov-2024 4:38:00 PM CST
Drawings will be reviewed at the Vendor Information Meeting on Tuesday 12/3/2024 and published after the meeting.
rayk on 10-Dec-2024 1:38:44 PM CST
Can you please direct us to where the following forms needed for our response can be downloaded? Bid Form Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Living Wage Affidavit Business Inclusion and Development Pre-Proposal Cover Memo Business Inclusion and Development Pre-Proposal Form Business Inclusion and Development Workforce Composition Form
EPSMS on 10-Dec-2024 4:02:43 PM CST
Drawings for the initial bid are part of the presentation from the Vendor Information Meeting 12/3/2024. Detail Design Drawings will be provided after short list notification and NDA Completion.
rayk on 11-Dec-2024 7:22:07 AM CST
This question is not referring to drawings....where can we find the 1) Bid Form 2) Conflict of Interest Questionnaire 3) Living Wage Affidavit 4) Business Inclusion and Development Pre-Proposal Cover Memo 5) Business Inclusion and Development Pre-Proposal Form 6) Business Inclusion and Development Workforce Composition Form
EPSMS on 11-Dec-2024 7:24:42 AM CST
These will be uploaded later today.
rayk on 16-Dec-2024 10:19:00 AM CST
Will the Business Inclusion, CIQ and Living Wages Affidavit forms be available also?
rayk on 16-Dec-2024 3:58:30 PM CST
Under the Pod Classrooms, the equipment list Item 4 mentions Ceiling Microphone(s) and the Notes state “This will provide the ability to provide 2-way web conference and class capabilities.” Question - In order to do web conferencing, you will require a camera and a PC of some sort. How do you intend to handle this?
rayk on 16-Dec-2024 3:58:37 PM CST
Will a camera need to be added to the room and If so will it require a secure enclosure?
rayk on 16-Dec-2024 3:58:49 PM CST
Will the PC need to reside in the room or will it be a laptop that is brought in when needed?
EPSMS on 16-Dec-2024 5:23:04 PM CST
For the POD Classrooms: 1) There will not be a dedicated workstation for the room. Laptop will be brought in for presentations/web meetings. 2) A camera colocated with the monitor (above) will be prefered. This will either need to be incorporated into the monitor cabinet or have a dedicated secure enclosure. Give options.
All updates/changes are listed below::
16-Dec-2024 3:50:34 PM CST
Required Forms have been added to the documents list. The Living Wage Affidavit has been excluded from the bid requirements. Questions will be open until Friday 12/20/2024.
13-Dec-2024 8:24:59 AM CST
Added Sample Contract and Bidder Form
12-Dec-2024 10:38:59 AM CST
The bid closing date has been extended to 12/31/2024. Remianing forms and Sample Contract will be posted 12/13/2024.
06-Dec-2024 10:52:27 AM CST
Please check the documents section. The updated list of Vendor Questions and Responses has been uploaded.
04-Dec-2024 8:11:55 AM CST
Vendor Information Meeting Presentation and recording link are posted
25-Nov-2024 8:01:40 AM CST
Vendor Information Meeting: December 3, 2024 10:00 - 12:00 Warren County Supervisor Office and Zoom: