SCPH Intensive Outpatient Program St. Charles Parish Hospital
Louisiana > St. Charles Parish Hospital
Invitation for Bids: 9337621
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Project Title:  SCPH – Intensive Outpatient Program 
Owner:  St. Charles Parish Hospital, Managed by Ochsner Health 
Description:   New construction of outpatient clinic for psychological group therapy.
Location:  146 Hall Drive, Luling, Louisiana 70070 
Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 2:00 PM CST, on February 18, 2025                
by St. Charles Parish Hospital District #1 in the large conference room in the Education 
Training Center at St. Charles Parish Hospital, 1057 Paul Maillard Rd., Luling, LA 70070 and all 
bids will be publicly opened and read.  
SCPH – Intensive Outpatient Program 
To Obtain Bidding Documents: 
Licensed General Contractors or their agent may obtain one (1) set of the complete bidding 
documents from AQ Studios, 1100 Poydras St., Ste. 3550, New Orleans, LA 70163. Contractors 
shall call ahead at (504) 523-4375 to coordinate pick-up.  
Alternately, Bidding documents may be accessed online through a uniform and secure 
electronic interactive system. WWW.CENTRALBIDDING.COM 
No bidding documents will be issued later than 24 hours prior to the date and time set for the 
bid opening. Late bids will not be accepted.  
Bids received in violation of LSA-R.S. 37:2163 (failure to provide contractor’s license number 
on the bid envelope) shall be stamped “Rejected”, returned unopened to the bidder and shall 
not be read aloud.  
Contractors are provided the option to submit bid for public contracts through a uniform and 
secure electronic interactive system: WWW.CENTRALBIDDING.COM Comply with electronic 
bidding as stated in the Louisiana Bid Law 2212.1.  
Sealed bids must have project name boldly displayed on outside of envelope.  
Each bid must be accompanied by certified check, cashier's check or bid bond made payable 
to St. Charles Parish Hospital and acceptable to the owner in the amount equal to five (5%) of 
the total amount bid, including all alternates, and payable without condition to the owner as 
guarantee that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly execute a contract in 
accordance with his/her proposal and all terms and conditions of the contract documents. A 
bid bond shall comply with LSA-R.S. 38:2218(B) and 38:2219, as applicable.  
The owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive formalities and to reject non-conforming,
non-responsive, unbalanced or conditional bids or bids submitted by non-responsible
parties pursuant to the law. Bids which deviate from the project plan and 
specifications will not be considered.


SCPH – Intensive Outpatient Program 
St. Charles Parish Hospital District #1 
1057 Paul Maillard Rd. 
Luling, LA 70070 
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 02/04/2025 at 2:00 PM CST located in the 
large conference room in the Education Training Center at St. Charles Parish Hospital, 1057 
Paul Maillard Rd., Luling, LA 70070. Walk through of area will follow. Please note that 
attendees arriving later than 2:05 PM will not be granted admittance to the meeting. Bids 
received from Contractors who did not attend the mandatory pre-bid conference will not be 
Published in the Bids and Proposal Section of the Herald Guide Newspaper on  
01/23/25, 01/30/25 and 02/06/25. 

Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
All updates/changes are listed below::
22-Jan-2025 4:31:58 PM CST
Bidding documents uploaded.