SOQ NO. 24-037
The Parish of Jefferson, authorized by Resolution No. 145344 is hereby soliciting Statements of Qualifications (General Professional Services Questionnaire) from individuals or firms interested in representing Jefferson Parish before State Agencies and to act as legislative and administrative consultant for the Parish of Jefferson in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and in such other places, such as State regional offices, as appropriate, for a two-year term.
(Deadline for Submissions: 3:30 p.m. December 06, 2024
That the person or firm submitting a Statement of Qualifications shall have the following minimum qualifications to complete the Scope of Services as follows:
The firm(s) or individual(s) selected for this work shall: advise and consult, on behalf of the Parish of Jefferson, with the Executive and Legislative branches of the Louisiana State government, and all of its departments and agencies, as may be necessary to further the interest of the Parish of Jefferson; obtain and furnish to the Parish of Jefferson such information as may be available on State programs and State regulatory matters in which the Parish indicates an interest; review, evaluate and advise on State government executive, legislative and administrative proposals, rules and regulations in which the Parish of Jefferson expresses an interest; review, evaluate and advise on Parish of Jefferson proposals which are prepared for submission to State agencies when requested; act as liaison with the Jefferson delegation and keep it informed of the interests and position of the Parish of Jefferson concerning pending legislation; assist the Parish of Jefferson regarding appearances by Parish of Jefferson officials before committees of the State legislature and administrative agencies; arrange appointments when requested to do so, and to appear before committees of the State legislature and administrative agencies; contact State agencies on the Parish’s behalf when Parish of Jefferson applications are under consideration by such agencies to obtain the most favorable consideration thereto; advise, consult with, and assist representatives of the private sector engaging, or proposing to engage, in state-assisted economic development activities when requested; appear before the Parish President and/or Jefferson Parish Council whenever requested to do so by the Jefferson Parish President and/or Council for the purpose of providing information or answering questions with respect to matters covered by any ensuing agreement; and conduct lobbying related services, as required.
Compensation for the required services will be made on an hourly rate basis, or a fixed fee basis, or a combination thereof. The Parish of Jefferson reserves the right to determine method of payment (hourly or lump-sum).
Mutually agreeable fee arrangements under this agreement shall be negotiated with the consultant by the appropriate Parish Department end-user or representative of the Parish Administration.
Evaluation Criteria
The following criteria, listed with weighted importance shall be used to evaluate each firm submitting a Statement of Qualifications:
Professional Training and Experience __25_ points;
Past Performance on Public Contracts __25_ points;
Professional Accomplishments of Firm Members __25_ points;
Ability to provide preference in the event of a conflict __15_ points;
Location of office ___8_ points;
Nature, quality and value of Prior Parish Work ___2_ points;
TOTAL _100_ points
All persons or firms (including subcontractors) must submit a Statement of Qualifications (General Professional Services Questionnaire) by the deadline. The latest professional services questionnaire may be obtained by contacting the Purchasing Department at (504) 364-2678 or via the Jefferson Parish website at https://www.jeffparish.gov/27/Government. This questionnaire can be accessed by clicking on the + next to “Doing Business in Jefferson Parish” on the website and clicking on “Professional Services Questionnaires”.
Submissions are to be submitted on the eProcurement site at www.jeffparishbids.net.
Those submissions will only be accepted electronically via the Parish’s eProcurement system, Central Bidding. Central Bidding can be accessed by visiting either www.centralauctonhouse.com or www.jeffparishbids.net. All vendors will be required to register with Central Bidding. Jefferson Parish vendors are able to register for free by accessing the following link:
No submittals will be accepted after the deadline.
Affidavits are not required to be submitted with the Statement of Qualifications, but shall be submitted prior to contract approval.
Insurances are not required to be submitted with the Statement of Qualifications, but shall be submitted prior to contract approval.
Disputes/protests relating to the decisions by the evaluation committee or by the Jefferson Parish Council shall be brought before the 24th Judicial Court.
ADV: The New Orleans Advocate: November 27 and December 04, 2024