This is a Request for Qualifications to provide Environmental Phase, Design/Biding Phase, and Construction Engineering and Inspection (CE&I) services for the City of Natchez, Mississippi, for their FY2024 Community Project Funding Grant through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiatives (EDI) Program for the “City of Natchez Forks to Freedom Infrastructure Improvement Program”. This funding will be used to complete the required Environmental Review per 24 CFR Part 50 and 24 CFR Part 58, along with needed site preparation and infrastructure improvements along St. Catherine Street to the Natchez Bluff for the Hiram Revels Plaza and U.S. Colored Troops Monument (USCT) sites.
The selected engineer or engineering firm will be responsible for completing the required Environmental Review process to allow the City of Natchez to receive the required environmental clearance and certifications from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to proceed to the next phase of this project, and through project closeout in accordance with federal, state, and local laws, regulations and policies.