The Beauregard Parish School Board will take sealed bids for South Beauregard Elementary School, Classroom Building Addition #2 located at 12380 Highway 171, Longville, Louisiana. Bids should be turned in at the Beauregard Parish School Board Office by 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
Bid information and specifications may be obtained from Champeaux, Evans, Hotard Architects, 702 Dr. Michael Debakey Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70601 or (337) 439-8871 in representation of the Beauregard Parish School Board. Bidding documents are available at the Architect’s website,, free of charge to download.
A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. at South Beauregard Elementary School located at 12380 Highway 171, Longville, Louisiana. Please check in at the main office.
Return sealed bid to the Beauregard Parish School Board, P. O. Box 938, DeRidder, LA 70634 by certified mail, return receipt or hand deliver to Kelli Stanard, Purchasing Agent, at Beauregard Parish School Board located at 202 W 3rd Street, DeRidder, LA by two (2:00) o'clock p.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
Mark bid envelope: "SEALED BID - "South Beauregard Elementary School, Classroom Building Addition #2".
In compliance with La. Act 590, electronic bid submittal procedures have been established for this Project, and are available online at
The Board reserves the right to reject any and all quotes and to waive informalities.