Evangeline Parish School District E-Rate RFP
Louisiana > Evangeline Parish School Board
RFP: 86461300
Listing Information/Advertisement:


RE: Evangeline Parish School Board E-Rate Request for Proposals for Leased Lit and Dark Fiber (Related Network Equipment, Maintenance, and operation cost) Internet Access for Secondary Data Center 

Evangeline Parish School District is seeking  proposals for leased lit fiber Wide Area Network connectivity. As an alternative, the DISTRICT is seeking bids for Leased Dark Fiber Network, Maintenance, and Modulating Electronics and all other equipment necessary to make the broadband service functional. Pricing will be compared for both options to determine the most cost-effective solution. 

The current network is a leased fiber WAN network, and there are 14 locations with 10 GIG connections. The District desires a fiber ring network and is considering adding a second data center to improve the network’s resilience. The DISTRICT is applying for Internet Access for a new Secondary Data Center Only. The District is currently in a contract for the primary data center. 

Sealed proposals must be sent certified mail, UPS, FedEx, or hand-delivered to Evangeline Parish School District, or proposals may be uploaded to http://centralauctionhouse.com 

The DISTRICT is not responsible for delays in uploading, and proposals received after the deadline will be disqualified. 

Description Date & Time Place and/or Contact
Release RFP  August 27, 2021 EPS Portal, Advertisement,  http://centralauctionhouse.com
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting  September 22, 2021 
2:00 PM CST 
Inquiry Opens September 23, 2021 [email protected]
Inquiry Closes  November 13, 2021 [email protected]
Proposals Due November 17, 2021
2:00 PM CST
Evangeline Parish School Board
Public Bid Opening  November 17, 2021
2:05 PM CST
Evangeline Parish School Board 

Please note that Evangeline Parish School Board reserves the right to reject all proposals and waive any clerical errors in any Bid Proposal Package, as in the interest of the Evangeline Parish School Board *** NO QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED BEFORE THE PRE-BID MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 AT 2:00 PM CST. ***

All potential bidders must meet the following criteria: 

-  Hold a current liability insurance policy and workers compensation insurance 

-  Must be registered as a service provider with the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD), have a Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN), have a current Service Provider Annual Certification Form (SPAC) on file with the SLD, and comply with all SLD service provider requirements. 

-  Provide a minimum of two, K-12 client references for similar basic maintenance projects.

-  Must have certified network engineers or technicians on staff, who can diagnose problems quickly and recommend solutions. 

-  Registered and in good standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office 

All bids should be submitted and received by 2:00 PM CST November 17, 2021 to Connie Guillory, Title II/E-Rate Supervisor at Evangeline Parish School Board Office, 1123 Te Mamou Road, Ville Platte, LA 70586 or uploaded through Central Auction House. 


Creator Username: EPSBCG
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 27-Aug-2021 8:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 17-Nov-2021 2:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 1074 Views
Event Status: Expired since 17-Nov-2021 2:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
27-Aug-2021 10:13:15 PM CDT
Time changed on beginning since I had computer issues this morning and was unable to open CAH