Emergency Medical Services RFQ
Arkansas > Benton County
RFQ: 83798260
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Benton County and Respective Cities, Arkansas are requesting RFQs for Emergency Medical Services. To be considered, RFQs must be received at the Benton County Administration Building, 215 East Central, Room 309, Bentonville, Arkansas before July 31, 2020 @ 2:00 P.M. CST. Forms and addendums can be downloaded from the County web site at https://bentoncountyar.gov/accounting/open-bids/. All questions regarding the qualification process should be directed to Terry Lewis at [email protected] or by telephone at 479-464-6168.  All questions regarding specifications should be directed to Robert McGowen, Administrator of Public Safety via telephone at 479-271-1004 or by email at [email protected]. RFQs submitted shall be qualified to do business and licensed in accordance with all applicable laws of the state and local governments where the project is located. Pursuant to Arkansas Code Annotated 22-9-203 Benton County and the Respective Cities encourages all qualified small, minority and women business enterprises to bid on and receive contracts for goods, services, and construction.  Also, Benton County and the Respective Cities encourages all general contractors to subcontract portions of their contract to qualified small, minority and women business enterprises. Benton County and the Respective Cities reserves the right to reject any and all RFQs and to waive irregularities therein, and all Firm(s) shall agree that such rejection shall be without liability on the part of Benton County and the Respective Cities for any damage or claim brought by any Firm because of such rejections, nor shall the Firm seek any recourse of any kind against Benton County and the Respective Cities because of such rejections.  The filing of any RFQ in response to this invitation shall constitute an agreement of the Firm to these conditions.

Additional Notes/Requirements
Qualification statements shall be submitted (1) electronic copy on a properly labeled CD or flash drive in addition to one (1) paper copy. The use of Adobe PDF documents is strongly recommended. Files contained on the CD or electronic media shall not be restricted against saving or printing. The electronic copy shall be identical to the original papers submitted. Electronic copies shall not be submitted via e-mail to a County employee or Central Bidding website.
Creator Username: BCARTL
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Jul-2020 8:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 31-Jul-2020 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 571 Views
Event Status: Expired since 31-Jul-2020 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
07-Jul-2020 4:05:34 PM CDT
Added bid documents and notes.