CNP Equipment Bid
Louisiana > Franklin Parish School Board
Sealed Bid: 82598539
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Franklin Parish School Board 7293 Prairie Road Winnsboro, La. 71295 Phone 318-435-9046 INVITATION TO BID Bid # STIM001 Date: September 2, 2009 Closing Time of Bids: September 29, 2009 at 12:00 noon Bid Opening Date: September 29, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Sealed bids are requested for the following items or services, under the condition of this invitation: CAFETERIA LARGE EQUIPMENT 1. This invitation to bid should be completed and returned with your bid to the Franklin Parish School Board, Attention Administrative Assistant. The bid should be in a sealed envelope, clearly designating “C.N. Equipment Bid”. 2. Bids must be received prior to the date and time designated above by closing time of bids. Bids received thereafter will not be considered. 3. Bids must be signed by an officer or member of the bidder who is authorized to legally bind the bidder to the terms of this invitation and of the bid. 4. All bids shall be considered to be effective and available for six (6) months after the date stated above for the opening of bids, unless otherwise stated in the Special Conditions, below. No bid may be withdrawn prior to the expiration of that time. 5. Federal Excise Taxes are not applicable to any purchase by the Franklin Parish School Board. Bids should not include any such taxes. Exemption certificates will be furnished upon request. Louisiana State and local sales and use taxes are not to be included in bid prices. 6. Any manufacturer’s names, catalogue or model numbers, or other similar material identifying a particular product, or a particular grade of product, are used for descriptive purposes, to establish the standard of quality, design and performance required. The specifications are general in nature and are not meant to exclude any responsible bidder from bidding. Minor variations from the specifications, not affecting quality or serviceability, will be considered. Bidder should note the exception(s) to the bid specification(s) and the proposed difference(s) to be offered inside the sealed bid envelope with a separate page marked "Exceptions." The Franklin Parish School Board and its approved agent(s) shall be the sole determiner of the suitability and/or equality of any deviation(s) from the specifications. Changes not noted will not be accepted after the awarding of the bid. Where specific brand names appear, bidder is expected to bid that specific item or obtain pre-approval of an alternate brand. This brand should be one of equal or greater quality. Bidders are to call Mrs. Mary Wallace, Field Manager and Account Clerk, to determine the suitability/acceptability of proposed deviations prior to submitting the bid. 7. It is understood and agreed that Bidder, if awarded the subject contract, will protect, defend and hold harmless the FPSB, its members, agents and employees, from any claims, suits or demands for payment that may be brought for the use of any patented or copyrighted material, device, article or process, of any material that is a trade secret, that may enter into the design, manufacture, or use of the items or services contracted for, including any material, device, article or process the use of which is substantially important to the proper and most effective use of the items or services contracted for. Bidder further agrees to indemnify in full the FPSB, its members, employees and agents for any amounts which they may be required to expend in the defense of such claims, suits or demands, or in settlement thereof, or in satisfaction of any judgment, award or decree resulting therefrom. Invitation to Bid: STIM001 Page 2 8. Bidder agrees, if awarded the subject contract, to protect, defend and hold harmless the FPSB, its members, agents and employees, from any claims, demands or suits of any nature arising from or in any way connected with injury or damage to person, property, business or reputation, sustained by reason of any of the acts of Bidder, his agents, employees or assigns, or of anyone for whom Bidder is legally responsible. 9. The FPSB reserves the right to waive defects and informalities in bids, to reject any or all bids, and accept such bid as it may deem to be in its best interest. 10. Bidder, by submitting a bid in response to this Invitation, agrees to be bound by each of the terms and conditions hereof, whether set forth under General Conditions, Special Conditions, or as an attachment hereto, and agrees that said terms and conditions constitute the terms of the contract between the FPSB and Bidder, effective upon award of the contract by the FPSB. 11. Information pertaining to any term or condition of this Invitation to Bid may be obtained through Mary Wallace, Field Manager/Account Clerk, Child Nutrition Program, Franklin Parish School Board, 7293 Prairie Road, Winnsboro, La. 71295, (Phone: 318-435-9046 or 9711). 12. Public Bid Law (R.S. 38:2211-2221) requires that each bid shall be either hand delivered by the bidder or his agent to the Administrative Assistant, Franklin Parish School Board, 7293 Prairie Road, Winnsboro, La. 71295 in which instance the deliverer shall be handed a written receipt, or such bid shall be sent by registered or certified mail with a return receipt requested. If mailed, send to: Franklin Parish School Board, 7293 Prairie Road, Winnsboro, La. 71295, and write CNP Equipment Bid on envelope prior to bid date and Opening time. IMPORTANT. The responsibility for timely presentation (delivery) of bids rest solely with the bidder. Bids delayed through the mail and arriving after the stated date and hour cannot be accepted. 13. BIDDER CERTIFICATION AND IDENTIFICATION: I/We certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a bid for the same materials, supplies or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I/We further certify that none of the principals or majority owners of the firm or business submitting this bid are at that the same time connected with or employed by the Franklin Parish School Board. ASSIGNMENT: The submission of a bid under the terms of these specifications constitutes agreement to the following antitrust provision: For good cause and as consideration for executing this purchase and/or contract I/we hereby convey, sell, assign and transfer to the State of Louisiana all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the State of Louisiana, relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by the State of Louisiana pursuant to this purchase made by its agency. 14. All bidders are requested to enclose manufacturer factory brochure as a part of this bid at the time of the bid opening, if applicable. 15. If product samples are requested, but not required, with your bid and will be provided free of charge to the Franklin Parish School Board. If not destroyed or consumed in testing or evaluation, or required to be retained in connection with the award, same will be returned upon request, at Bidder’s expense. The FPSB reserves the right to damage, destroy or consume supplies if it is considered reasonably necessary to do so for purpose of testing, inspection or evaluation. Prospective bidders are solely responsible for submitting all required product samples to the Purchasing Agent prior to the opening of bids. Bidders who have filed for bankruptcy within the past 12 months or are currently in bankruptcy proceeding must disclose such information in writing to the FPSB as part of this bid. Failure to disclose such information shall disqualify bidder’s bid. Invitation to Bid: STIM001 Page 3 THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER In compliance with the Invitation to Bid; in consideration of the detailed description attached hereto; and subject to all conditions therefore, the undersigned agrees, if this bid be accepted within the time stipulated above to furnish any or all items which prices are quoted in accordance with specifications applying at the price set opposite each item. Bid STIM001 shall have a term of 6 months effective with the date of the award by the FPSB. This document must be returned with Bid. The FPSB will render full payment to successful bidder upon delivery, inspection, and acceptance of instruments after the FPSB purchasing agent has completed a final inspection. Our response to bid STIM001 is to be considered an offer from our company and effective for a period of six (6) months beginning with the date of the bid opening. I have read and understood bid STIM001 and I have reviewed my bid prices on the bid form. I acknowledge this by my signature. FIRM NAME _____________________________________________________DATE______________ BY ______________________________________ TITLE_____________________________ (SIGNATURE REQUIRED) PRINTED NAME: _____________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ CITY: ____________________________ STATE_______ ZIP _________ TELEPHONE ( ) - FAX ( ) - ¬¬¬¬¬________ DATE: _________________________ RETURN SEALED BID TO: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ATTENTION: YVONNE BLOUNT FRANKLIN PARISH SCHOOL BOARD 7293 PRAIRIE RAOD WINNSBORO, LA. 71295 “CNP Equipment Bid” must be written on outside of envelope Invitation to bid: STIM001 Page 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS 1. SPECIAL CONDITIONS found on succeeding pages always supersede the General Instructions to Bidders when the two are in conflict. 2. Because all items will require total installation and set-up, bidders are required to have a Louisiana Contractor’s License. Bidders must write their Louisiana Contractor’s License Number on the outside of the envelope, or the bid will be returned, unopened. 3. Bids must be submitted to this office on the attached forms, on or before the date and time specified for bid opening. If the forms are not used, the bid may be rejected. Each bid should be placed in a separate envelope completely and properly identified with bid number and time and date shown on the outside. The bid must be typed or printed in ink. Late bids will not be considered under any circumstances. 4. Failure to sign the bid will disqualify it. The person signing the bid should show title or authority to bind his/her firm in a contract. Signature must be in ink. 5. Successful bidders are to move any old equipment, if left in place. Successful bidder shall deliver, uncrate, set in place, install and otherwise render awarded equipment completely operable. 6. Prices are to be quoted F.O.B. FPSB SCHOOL SITE as indicated. Product delivery shall be Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM until 3:00 PM CST. 7. All prices on bids must be valid for a minimum of six (6) months. 8. This bid will be awarded on an item by item basis. Because of limited funds budgeted for equipment, the items in bold italics will be purchased for the schools (in bold italics) that were awarded FEDERAL ECOMOMIC STIMULUS monies. 9. ALL EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED UNDER THIS INVITATION FOR BIDS MUST MEET ALL APPROPRIATE STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY. 10. Should any bidder desire to change or withdraw his bid, he shall do so in writing PRIOR to date and time of bid opening. No bids may be changed, altered, or withdrawn after public bid opening. 11. Bidders must obtain prior approval of brands if not bidding specified items. Any and all variances in construction, design, performance, and accessories from the item specified must be submitted in writing to the Supervisor of the Child Nutrition Services in addition to detailed manufacturers specifications by July 27, 2009. If submitted alternates are prior approved, a written addendum will be provided to all bidders. See General Condition No. 6.

Additional Notes/Requirements
See required specs,
Creator Username: FPSB021
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 10-Sep-2009 11:09:09 AM CDT
Ends: 29-Sep-2009 12:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 2277 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 29-Sep-2009 12:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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