Parish of Ascension
ascension parish president
Sealed bids will be received by Ascension Parish Government at the Ascension Parish Government Purchasing Department, 615 E. Worthey St., Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 (mailing address PO Box 2392, Gonzales, LA 70707-2392) until, February 15, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. local time. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following:
LA. R.S. 38:2212(F) (2)
Whenever in specifications the name of a certain brand, make, manufacturer, or definite specifications utilized, the specifications, shall state clearly that they do not restrict bidders to the specific brand, make, manufacturer, or specification named; that they are used only to set forth and convey to prospective bidders the general style, type character, and quality of the product desired and that equivalent products will be acceptable…
Bid to be submitted for a one year period to commence upon acceptance by Ascension Parish Council.
Ascension Parish Government Department of Public Works does not have bulk tanks for bulk tank deliveries. Ascension Parish Government DPW will pick up material from vendor’s location, within a 50 mile radius. If applicable, price shall include pumping of material into parish conveyance.
Bid pricing must be submitted per gallon.
Bidding Documents may be obtained at the Ascension Parish Government Purchasing Department located at 615 E. Worthey St. Gonzales, Louisiana 70737. Electronic Bids are accepted at Central Bidding. Central Bidding can be accessed at Bidding Documents are available at Central Bidding. For questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814.
The Parish of Ascension reserves the right to disqualify any Bid , response to a Request for Qualifications, or Request for Proposals if it is determined that the submitting business entity is not in good standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State or is not authorized to do business in the State of Louisiana. Ascension Parish Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause.
WEEKLY- Please publish 01/18, 01/25, 02/01
ADVOCATE - Please publish 01/18, 01/25, 02/01
CHIEF - Please publish 01/18, 01/25, 02/01