Louisiana > City of Baker School System
Sealed Bid: 79802701
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The City of Baker SChool System is accepting sealed bids for the Lawn Maintenance Bid No. 09, 2021-2022 until 1:00 p.m. on March 03, 2021. Lawn Maintenance Bid Specifications and bid forms maybe obtained and viewed at the City of Baker School System Central Office located at 14750 Plank Road, Baker, La and by visiting or by visiting bids can also be viewed and submitted electronically.

The City of Baker School System reserves the right to reject any and all proposals whenever such rejection is in its best interest in accordance with the law. The provisions and requirements of this advertisement shall not be waived.

The City of Baker School System (CBSS) is an Equal Opportunity Employer, commited to provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons and will not discriminate against, minority, women, veteran, religion, disability, sexual Orientation or age.

City of Baker School System
Alisa Sibley, Purchasing Department

Additional Notes/Requirements
The following forms must be completed with no white-out and an authorizing signature for the bid to be considered responsive.
Creator Username: CBSSBIDS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 22-Jan-2021 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 19-Mar-2021 1:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1089 Views
Event Status: Expired since 19-Mar-2021 1:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
19-Feb-2021 4:47:07 PM CST
Added Bid Opening Date of March 22, 2021 by 2:00 p.m.
19-Feb-2021 3:04:40 PM CST
Change to error of the word OR to OF for the Acknowledge of Receipt and Intent to propose.
19-Feb-2021 2:58:01 PM CST
The City of Baker School System has issued Addendum No.3 to revise the following documents and due dates. The Bid Due date has been changed to March 19, 2021 by 1:00 p.m. and the Acknowledgement or Receipt and Intent to propose Form has been extended to March 08, 2021 by 4:00 p.m.
12-Feb-2021 9:55:13 AM CST
The City of Baker School System has corrected the request for specified Licenses. The Request for a Certified licensed Turf Pest Control Card is no longer needed. The correct Licenses are now the LDAF (Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry) Commercial Applicator Certification Card (Category 3 and/or 6(, LDAF Ground Owner-Operator Business License, Horticulture License, Workmen's Compensation Certificates, and Liability Insurance.
27-Jan-2021 11:15:25 AM CST
Replaced Original Addendum
27-Jan-2021 10:46:38 AM CST
Addendum has been issued to page 3 to correct the number of requested References from 2 current to a minimum of 2 reference
21-Jan-2021 3:25:25 PM CST
added the date to the title of the bid