Services for Substitute Employee Service Provider
Mississippi > Jones County School District
RFQ: 78652757
Listing Information/Advertisement:


Jones County School District (JCSD) is located in Jones County MS. 11 campuses - 6 elementary, 3 middle/high schools, 1 career and technical center, and 1 alternative school with 1 Central Office for the district. The district has approximately 8700 students. The overall accountability rating for the school district is a “B”.

The district is requesting proposals/quotes for a service provider to provide substitute teacher services for the school district to include all requirements of payroll, taxes, onboarding, background checks in accordance with state and federal law, and all services in relationship to providing substitutes for teacher absences, whether short-term or long-term (2 weeks or more) and/or if certified substitutes are required. This service should also provide a software solution to track absences and communicate with the district to make sure that all classes and assignments are covered in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. Any contracts entered into will be subject to the Jones County School District contract addendum and approval by the Jones School Board.

Schedule of RFP events are as follows: a. RFP Released 10/15/2021 b. Proposal/Quotes Due Date: 10/28/2021 c. Vendor selection 11/01/2021

These services shall be provided to the Jones County School District during the 2021-2022 school year. Upon satisfactory evaluation of the provided services, services may be extended into the 2022-2023 school term and beyond.

A paper copy or an email copy of this document, including any addendums, can be obtained by request below:
Dr. Missy Bufkin, Director of Federal Programs
Jones County School District
5204 Hwy 11 North
Ellisville, MS 39437 (601)649-5201 (601)433-1759 E-Mail: [email protected]

RFP Submission requirements: Email or hand-deliver a copy of the quote or post bid on by 10/28/2021 2:00 p.m. (email and physical address above)
All questions, comments and requests for clarifications must be in writing to Dr. Missy Bufkin. The School District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine appropriate and adequate responses to the written comments, questions and requests for clarification.

Purpose of RFP: To solicit requests from qualified vendors to quote on a service provider to provide substitute teacher services for the school district to include all requirements of payroll, taxes, onboarding, background checks in accordance with state and federal law, and all services in relationship to providing substitutes for teacher absences, whether short-term or long-term (2 weeks or more) and/or if certified substitutes are required. This service should also provide a software solution to track and communicate with the district to make sure that all classes and assignments are covered in an efficient and effective manner. Any contracts entered into will be subject to the Jones County School District contract addendum and approval by the Jones School Board.  Information on any additional applications or services provided by the vendor may also be included.

**As an estimate, the district typically employs 650 certified teachers, with an average of 50 short-term subs and an additional 10 long-term subs on any given day.
The work day is from 7:15 to 3:15, with a 25-minute lunch period.
Noncertified Sub pay is $9.10 per hour, certified sub pay is $10.57 per hour (less than 2 weeks), and long-term substitute pay is $16.10 per hour for an assignment lasting longer than 10 days.

Proposals should include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Perks provided to substitutes
  • Overall cost for the district
  • An overview of all services provided ensuring that all Human Resources functions required are handled by the Substitute Service Provider
  • Initial proposal should focus on providing substitutes for both general education and special education teachers for the district schools
  • Additional information about the possibility of adding additional employee groups going forward with amendments to contract terms may also be provided (ex. Food Service, Custodians, etc.).

Additional Notes/Requirements
There are no additional specifications/requirements other than the description listed on this site.
Creator Username: JCSDEH
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 15-Oct-2021 3:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 28-Oct-2021 2:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 482 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 28-Oct-2021 2:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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All updates/changes are listed below::
18-Oct-2021 11:07:39 AM CDT
Certified sub pay is 10.57 and not 9.57