NOTE: Any questions regarding the technical specifications or quote process shall be addressed to Liz Morrison at
[email protected]. Only questions in writing shall be addressed. Please include in the email’s subject line – Questions – Annual Rehab Contracts – Electrical (Rewire).
This quotation can be hand carried to Lafayette Consolidated Government, Purchasing Division, 705 W. University, Lafayette, LA 70506, or mailed to Lafayette Consolidated Government, Purchasing Division, PO Box 4017-C, Lafayette, LA 70502, or e-mailed to
[email protected] Please note attached insurance requirements. The successful vendor shall be required to furnish a Certificate of Insurance, including Items I, II, III, V and VII ($100,000 limits), all for approval by the Lafayette Consolidated Government Risk Management Division.
• It is suggested that you speak with your insurance agent, prior to submitting a quote, concerning the insurance and endorsement required by these specifications as there could be additional premiums associated with this requirement.
• Effective January 1, 2011 all insurance companies must use an ACORD form when submitting the Certificate of Insurance, unless they have obtained permission from the Commissioner of Insurance’s office.
In the event a bid is awarded for the amount of $50,000 or more, the successful vendor shall be required to provide a performance and payment bond for 100% of the amount of the purchase order before work can begin. Said bond shall be listed on the U.S. Department of Treasury Financial Management Service List of approved bonding companies, which is published annually in the Federal Register Circular No. 570, showing an underwriting limitation sufficient to cover 100% of the purchase.