Replacement Widows to Sites LA 4-3 Clark Courts & LA 4-13 Lloyd Oaks Addition II
Louisiana > Housing Authority of The City of Lake Charles
Sealed Bid: 77269480
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed proposals for labor and materials for the following project will be received by the Lake Charles Housing Authority Board of Commissioners until 12:00 noon on September 26. 2013 in the Housing
Authority Central Office Board Room at 800 Bilbo Street, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Bids shall be either hand delivered or shall be sent by registered or certified mail with a return receipt requested. No bids shall be submitted by facsimile transmission or FAX. A pre-bid will be conducted at 661 Dixy Drive Community Building on September 4. 2013 at 10:00A.M.

Prime Contractor shall submit bids for furnishing all labor and materials and performance of all work for
the following project:
Replacement Windows to Sites
LA 4-3 Clark Courts & LA 4-13 Lloyd Oaks Addition II

Complete Bidding Documents, Plans and Specifications for this project are available at Lake Charles
Housing Authority Central Office, 800 Bilbo Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601.

Bids shall be accepted only from Contractors who are licensed under LA R.S. 37:2150-2163 for the classification Building Construction and/or Mechanical Work.

All Bids must be sealed and plainly marked with Contractor’s License Number on the outside of the envelope and will be publicly opened and read at the above designated place and time. No proposal
may be withdrawn within thirty (30) calendar days after the above scheduled time of opening and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities.

Bid Bond, equal to not less than five (5%) percent of the bid and made payable to the Lake Charles Housing Authority must accompany each bid. Performance Bond for the construction is required upon
execution of the contract, equal to one hundred (100%) percent of said contract. The Lake Charles Housing Authority shall execute appropriate performance bond, Contract and all necessary
documentation with thirty (30) days after acceptance of the Contractor.

Current Prevailing Wages apply. Bidder must show proof of Insurance as required the General and Special Conditions of the Specifications Requirements. The Contractor will be paid in draws, which are in accordance with the specification with a 10% Retainage held for the 45-Day Lien Period. All draws must be submitted to the Lake Charles Housing Authority Modernization Coordinator for approval.

Bid related information may also be viewed online and electronic bids may be submitted online at php?cid=97.
S. Benjamin Taylor, Jr. Run: Lake Charles American Press: August 23,2013
Executive Director August 30, 2013
Lake Charles Housing Authority September 6, 2013

Creator Username: lcha
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 23-Aug-2013 10:29:25 AM CDT
Ends: 26-Sep-2013 12:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 2595 Views
Event Status: Expired since 26-Sep-2013 12:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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19-Sep-2013 10:41:11 AM CDT
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