Food Management RFP Questions and Answers:
Will the Parish please provide a copy of the current nutritional analysis for the inmate menu? A copy will be posted on the website.
Will the Parish please provide a copy of the current work schedule for vendor employees? Access to the kitchen is available from 2AM until 6 PM. The Parish does not establish a work schedule for the vendor employees.
Will the Parish please provide a copy of the current work schedule for kitchen inmates? I have attached the current inmate work schedule. Not all positions are filled on a daily basis.
To ensure consistent responses, what population count is required to be used on the price page? The OPSO count varies on a daily basis. As of 7/13/16 the count is 927.
Regarding the Environmental Cleaning Program, who is responsible for managing the program, the Contractor or County? The contractor is responsible for managing the program.
Who supervises the Inmate Cleaning Crew, the Contractor or County? The cleaning crew is supervised by the contractor.
2.02A-Is approval required for all food and non-food sub-vendors that deliver to the onside vendor, or only sub-vendors that will actually perform work on site? All vendors that perform a service onsite must get OPSO approval. Sub-vendors making a delivery only do not need approval.
3.01-Please reconfirm your total Average Daily Population, including all sites over the last 12 months. The average daily population from 9/15/15 to 7/14/16 was 1,226.
3.02-Annual meals for all locations are listed at 1,800,000. Can we get a breakdown for each meal type over the last 12 months? This is not an available number
3.02B-Will OPSO provide the grievance form/template to be used? The grievance form is not in paper form. It is on the Tiger kiosk located in all housing units. It lists normal information that would be requested: name, location, and grievance. This is then sent electronically to the parties designated.
3.02D-How will actual meals served by determined on a daily basis? Will this be the responsibility of the Vendor? The OPSO provides the count on the day of service to the vendor for each meal. This gives exact numbers of meals needed on that day.
3.02G-Is there any uniform color or color combination prohibited by OPSO? The colors must be approved by the Sheriff for use. At this time, orange and royal blue (inmate uniforms), along with khaki and hunter green (security uniforms) are not to be used.
3.031C-Please provide technical requirements for the JMS interface. What specific duplicate date could occur? OPSO is currently in the process of evaluating various JMS software.
3.031D-What are the specific requirements for the ordering of meals? Will meal counts be entered into the JMS by OPSO for the vendor to extract and use for meal prep? At this time, OPSO provides the vendor with the number of inmates within the facility three times each day.
3.03.3A.2B-Is the automated requirement only to capture the manual entry of staff meals for monthly billing? Will staff be required to pay for their meals or is the staff meal cost covered by OPSO? No, it is for monthly reporting. The staff pays for their meals in the Employee Dining Room.
3.03.3B How many times are the guards responsible for deliveries of the meals to the cell pods and when does the clock start? How many times has the current contractor been assessed a charge? The meals are delivered by OPSO to the housing units three times daily. The meals are delivered to the facilities to be kept in the hot or cold holding cabinets twice daily from the kitchen. Meal service is held primarily between the hours of 0400-0500, lunch is between 1100-1200, and dinner between 1600-1700 hours. The clock begins when the facilities cannot produce these meals to the jail population during the time periods indicated. The current provider has not been assessed any charges for late meals.
3.03.3B.3a-What non food items are currently being delivered by food service staff via sub-vendors? None
3.03.3C.1-What are the current staff levels provided by the current vendor? The current vendors staffing levels have fluctuated between 22 to 34.
3.03.3C.6-What exactly is the OPSO Civilian Training Course? Which vendor staff are required to attend? It is an in-service class that provides valuable information concerning the correctional environment. Vendors that work within OPSO must attend this correctional orientation class.
3.03.3E.1-Please explain the platform/technology requirements for the JMS interface with the vendor’s food service management cost accounting system. At this time the OPSO is in the process of evaluating various JMS software.
3.03.3G4-Can OPSO provide the historic data that shows all deductions from the present vendor for failures to perform. As of today, there have not been any deductions for failure to perform.
3.03.3F.1-Will the process of preparing meals continue as the kitchen is designed for-Cook/Chill? That will be an answer for the awarded contractor.
3.03.4A-Does the OPSO acknowledge that the general meal pattern included in this section does not comply with ACA standards? Please confirm that the meal pattern will be cold-hot-hot rather than the cold-cold-hot presented. The correct meal pattern is hot-cold-hot. The cooked eggs in this section is scrambled eggs, making this a hot compliant meal.
3.03.4B-Are the IPC sack meals served seven days a week, including holidays, or only Monday-Friday? Is there a difference between an IPC sack meal and a court snack meal? What is the average daily count for these meals? IPC sack meals are seven day a week, and average 60 per day. The Court sack meal is only Monday-Friday. The average runs 130 daily. The IPC sack only contains a sandwich. The court sack meal contains a full meal with sandwich, drink, etc.
3.03.4C-What is the average daily count for therapeutic, religious, and security restriction meals? The average at this time is 110 special diets. This includes all therapeutic and religious diets. There currently are no security restriction meals.
3.03.4G-Are staff meals provided 7 days a week? What is the average number of staff meals prepared on a daily basis? Staff meals currently are provided only Monday to Friday. The wish is to expand to seven days a week. The average number of meals prepared on a daily basis in the dining room is 40 plates.
3.03.8B.5-What is the “1st Watch”? The first watch is 0600-1800 hours.
3.03.8B.7-Will the contractor be required to have a full time dietitian on site or just reside in the state of Louisiana? The proposal states the full time dietitian must be on staff and licensed by the state of Louisiana. There is no residency requirement, The dietitian must perform the functions within this section.
3.038C-Is there a report available that shows all maintenance and repairs to any and all of the present kitchen equipment, and is any of the equipment still in warranty? There is no report available that shows all maintenance and repairs and no equipment is still under warranty.
3.03.10-How much does the “up to 50” inmates provided fluctuate daily? This fluctuation is dependent on the number of arrests, the court system, number of sentences given, and transfers. The “up to 50” is to help the food service staff make sure that enough tray meals are created to prevent any problems. The fluctuations are not areas that the OPSO can prevent or control.
3.03.17- Is OPSO currently utilizing USDA commodities? If so, what has been provided, how much has been provided, and how often? The OPSO does not use USDA commodities.
3.03.20A.3-Has the current vendor been assessed any fines for violations of the standard sanitation procedures? No fines have been assessed.
3.03.21-Does the OPSO currently have a pest control contract? If so, what is the cost associated with it? The current provider is Orkin Pest Control. The cost is $576.00 per month for all services.
3.03.24-Does the OPSO pay for the background checks required for all prospective new hires? The background are conducted through OPSO Human Resources. There is no charge to the vendor.
3.03.30-Can OPSO provide the last 12 months of meal billings and corresponding payment schedules for the billing? All of 2016 billings are provided.
3.03.31-Please provide a more detailed explanation of “Non-OPSO Mandated Meals”. When would they be required? Does the present contractor have a non-OPSO mandated meal program, and is there a commission rate associated with it? How much is that rate? Is there a current non-OPSO meal menu? The Non-OPSO Mandated Meals option was created in the situation where the contractor uses the kitchen to provide meals for another facility not owned or operated by OPSO. There is not a program currently, therefore no rate or menu associated with it. a bid bond required? If so, for how much? Yes and it is $500,000
3.04 Attachments A,B,C,D, and E are stamped “draft”. Should we consider the RFP complete? Will OPSO reissue these pages without the watermark so that we many utilize the forms? The RFP is complete and OPSO will reissue these pages without the watermark.
3.03.1 and Attachment D-OPSO requests a “scalable” proposal to meet the needs of fluctuating inmates. Attachment D does not contains provisions for a scale. Will OPSO amend the current attachment to include scaled pricing? Or, can OPSO set the scale numbers for scale pricing in order to receive an “apples to apples” price comparison? Attachment D is to be used as is and OPSO will use that information.
Attachment D-What should be put into the “total quantity cost” line? Is this for OPSO to fill or the vendor? Total Annual Cost and it is to be entered by the vendor
Attachment D-Will OPSO provide the “annual estimated meals” quantity, or should each vendor put in their own number? The estimated annual meals is 1,800,000.
Do the inmates currently get paid by the current food service vendor? No.
How many inmates currently work in the kitchen in a 24 hour period? 22
Does the parish ever anticipate getting 50 inmates for a 24 hour period to be an issue? There would have to be a need for OPSO staff and inmates to remain in the kitchen for 24 hours.
Please provide the inmate participation by month for the last 10 months. The average inmate participation per day based on the last 10 month is 18 inmates working in the kitchen daily.
Does the OPSO expect the vendors to be responsible for repair and maintenance in the kitchen, or just manage the program and submit invoices to the Parish? The vendor will be responsible the repair and maintenance of the kitchen facility.
Will OPSO ensure all equipment including small wares like “drink cambros” be in good working condition upon the new contract? OPSO is diligently attempting this at this time.
Can a bulk or pc fruit drink with vitamin C be served in place of a carton at the breakfast meal? That is a possibility as OPSO is replacing the drink cambros.
Can a whole grain baked item (ex. Muffin) or cereal satisfy a whole grain bread requirement? As long as the nutritional breakdown is consistent with the required meal served.
3.03.4A.12-The same type of meat shall not be served more than once per week. Will OPSO allow meat salad/cheese or peanut butter to be used to fulfill this variety requirement? As long as the nutritional breakdown is consistent with the required meal served.
3.03.4A.8-Will OPSO clarify what the salad requirement is per week? The vendor cannot use the two starch salads together.
3.03.4A.7-Is the OPSO specifically looking for a licensed Dietitian to reside in the state of Louisiana? In order to provide all of the daily responsibilities listed in section 8, and in order to be licensed by the State of Louisiana, the licensed Dietitian must reside in the state.
3.03.4-Your dinner menu calls for ½ c coleslaw, ½ cu vegetables, and ½ cup of salad with 1 oz of dressing. Is this correct? That is what is stated on the general meal pattern.