Assessment and Data Management System RFP
Louisiana > St. Charles Parish Public Schools
RFP: 76270819
Listing Information/Advertisement:

St. Charles Parish Public Schools is seeking written proposals for an Assessment and Data
Management System.

The intent of the specifications is to invite requests for proposals for a comprehensive,
cost-effective, and efficient Assessment and Data Management System from a vendor who can
provide a high quality product along with reliable services and timely support.

Additional Notes/Requirements
A presentation of your product will be required in order for your RFP to be scored by the committee. Failure to present will result in a 0 total score. You will be contacted by a school district administrator to establish the date and time of the presentation. The presentation may be held via the web or at a site designated by St. Charles Parish Public Schools.
Creator Username: StCharlesITS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 28-Jan-2021 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 26-Feb-2021 12:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 1513 Views, 26 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 26-Feb-2021 12:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
PSSPROPOSALS on 28-Jan-2021 7:44:51 AM CST
The RFP doc references Appendix A, B, and C but there is not appendices either posted in this bid site or on the St. Charles Parish Public Schools bid site. Please advise as to how these docs can be accessed.
StCharlesITS on 28-Jan-2021 8:19:33 AM CST
The RFP doc references Appendix A, B, and C but there is not appendices either posted in this bid site or on the St. Charles Parish Public Schools bid site. Please advise as to how these docs can be accessed. The RFP has been updated as of 1-28-2021 and Appendix A has been added to the listing.
PSSPROPOSALS on 29-Jan-2021 7:22:19 AM CST
The RFP is written to replace IlluminateEd's Assessment System. Is the District also looking to replace the Analytics tool and/or the current Data Warehouse? Thanks.
rfpzprosolutions on 29-Jan-2021 5:24:31 PM CST
Can we receive an example of what the current assessments look like?
StCharlesITS on 02-Feb-2021 11:08:10 AM CST
The RFP is written to replace IlluminateEd's Assessment System. Is the District also looking to replace the Analytics tool and/or the current Data Warehouse? Thanks. The district will be evaluating all products (proposals) in order to evaluate all aspects (assessment system, data warehouse, and analytics tools) now that we are a 1:1 take home district at all grade levels Pk-12.
StCharlesITS on 02-Feb-2021 11:18:24 AM CST
Can we receive an example of what the current assessments look like? The district implements Eureka math and ELA Guidebooks with their built-in assessments. Many of the questions on curriculum assessments must be adapted from the "paper" versions, found at the sites below, into interactive assessments. Eureka assessments can be found at: ELA Guidebook assessments can be found at: *NOTE: 1. Guidebook assessments contain Part A and Part B questions (if Part A is incorrect, Part B gets 0 points) and 2. Writings that use a combination of 2 rubrics (assessments attached).
vsteere on 03-Feb-2021 9:52:51 AM CST
The project minimums mention compatibility with both PCs and Chromebooks. Is Chromebook compatibility an absolute necessity, or would compatibility with PCs and Macs be sufficient?
staceybakpax on 05-Feb-2021 12:27:11 PM CST
Prompt #4 on page #7 asks for a timeline. It says that the district to have the project ready for June 1, 2021. Does the District intend to open the solution to teachers and students in June? Or we would begin working with the District in June? When will an award decision be made?
PSSPROPOSALS on 05-Feb-2021 1:46:19 PM CST
1. Are original signatures required on returned forms or will electronic signatures via DocuSign suffice? 2. On page 7 of the main solicitation document in the Qualifications/Prior Experience section, SCPPS states in bullet 2 “must complete the data sharing process outlined by St. Charles Parish Public Schools in Appendix A.” Is the expectation that responding vendors will fill out this form and include it with our proposal response or are you looking for us to provide additional information to go with the form at this time? 3. In the RFP solicitation document, St. Charles outlined the Proposal Format that should be followed on page 3 with the specific requirements for each subject area listed on the pages that follow with the exception of subjects listed below. Would you be able to confirm what information would like for us to include for each section in our response?: Integration with other district systems – would you like vendors to confirm how well we integrate with your current systems of use including Illuminate Education DNA and Pearson Inform? Personnel – an overview of who your support team would be during and post implementation? Security/backup/business recovery, - address maintenance/support section of the RFP?
StCharlesITS on 05-Feb-2021 2:10:48 PM CST
The project minimums mention compatibility with both PCs and Chromebooks. Is Chromebook compatibility an absolute necessity, or would compatibility with PCs and Macs be sufficient? Chromebook compatibility is absolutely necessary since the majority of our students utilize Chromebooks.
StCharlesITS on 05-Feb-2021 2:14:36 PM CST
Prompt #4 on page #7 asks for a timeline. It says that the district to have the project ready for June 1, 2021. Does the District intend to open the solution to teachers and students in June? Or we would begin working with the District in June? When will an award decision be made? The teachers must have access by June 1, 2021 in order to begin professional development. Students would not utilize the system until August 2021. The committee will make a recommendation to the board at their March 24, 2021 meeting.
StCharlesITS on 05-Feb-2021 2:28:07 PM CST
1. Are original signatures required on returned forms or will electronic signatures via DocuSign suffice? Electronic signatures via DocuSign will suffice. 2. On page 7 of the main solicitation document in the Qualifications/Prior Experience section, SCPPS states in bullet 2 “must complete the data sharing process outlined by St. Charles Parish Public Schools in Appendix A.” Is the expectation that responding vendors will fill out this form and include it with our proposal response or are you looking for us to provide additional information to go with the form at this time? Responses to the items required for data sharing must be included in the proposal. If the vendor has any proposed modifications to the data sharing agreement, those must also be included in the response. 3. In the RFP solicitation document, St. Charles outlined the Proposal Format that should be followed on page 3 with the specific requirements for each subject area listed on the pages that follow with the exception of subjects listed below. Would you be able to confirm what information would like for us to include for each section in our response?: Integration with other district systems – would you like vendors to confirm how well we integrate with your current systems of use including Illuminate Education DNA and Pearson Inform? The proposed system should include how it integrates with PowerSchool SIS. Personnel – an overview of who your support team would be during and post implementation? Yes. Please include who all team members that will be available to support SCPPS during implementation and for customization/support after implementation. Security/backup/business recovery, - address maintenance/support section of the RFP? Yes
EdTechSoft on 17-Feb-2021 8:52:37 AM CST
Is the District looking for ready-made assessments and item banks from the vendor or are these optional?
EdTechSoft on 17-Feb-2021 9:00:29 AM CST
Must we only sign and return Appendix A with the RFP, or must we currently provide all supporting documentation listed, like profile, data elements etc?
on 17-Feb-2021 2:12:33 PM CST
What information is expected in the brief profile of the Recipient within Appendix A?
StCharlesITS on 18-Feb-2021 7:18:20 AM CST
Must we only sign and return Appendix A with the RFP, or must we currently provide all supporting documentation listed, like profile, data elements etc? For a complete proposal, we are requesting all supporting documentation. The district does not want to have any delay in implementation waiting for additional information.
StCharlesITS on 18-Feb-2021 7:19:11 AM CST
What information is expected in the brief profile of the Recipient within Appendix A? A brief company profile and what services/products are offered by the company.
RFP on 18-Feb-2021 1:05:20 PM CST
What is the "Contractor's License Number or Certificate of Responsibility" that is required upon submission?
Admin on 18-Feb-2021 1:12:13 PM CST
A Contractor's License Number is a number issued by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC). You can go to their website for more information: (you can copy/paste the link into your web browser)
RFP on 18-Feb-2021 2:27:07 PM CST
Please explain what the Certificate of Responsibility is and how we register for it?
Admin on 18-Feb-2021 2:43:26 PM CST
Certificate of Responsibility
RFP on 18-Feb-2021 2:48:28 PM CST
Is the Contractor's License Number Required for this RFP?
RFP on 18-Feb-2021 3:00:00 PM CST
Would a Certificate of Good Standing be admissible?
StCharlesITS on 22-Feb-2021 7:21:18 AM CST
Is the District looking for ready-made assessments and item banks from the vendor or are these optional? The Curriculum and Instruction Department needs the ability to create common assessments shared across the district. If ready-made assessments and item banks are available in the platform, that can be addressed in section 3: Ease of Use/ Effectiveness/ Efficiency. Be sure to include pricing in section 1 if these are an additional cost.
RFP on 22-Feb-2021 11:42:31 AM CST
Can we submit a proposal without a Contractor's License Number or Certificate of Responsibility?
StCharlesITS on 23-Feb-2021 2:01:37 PM CST
Can we submit a proposal without a Contractor's License Number or Certificate of Responsibility? Yes
All updates/changes are listed below::
28-Jan-2021 8:17:01 AM CST
Appendix A has been added as a document to this RFP, and reference of other appendices in the original document have been updated to contain the needed information.