Allen Parish Police Jury Park Road Bridge Replacement (Kinder, LA)
Louisiana > Allen Parish Police Jury
Sealed Bid: 74858611
Listing Information/Advertisement:

TO:                                                                                                     All Prospective Bidders
PROJECT:                                                                            Park Road Bridge Replacement (Kinder, LA)
CLASSIFICATION:                                                             Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction, or
                                                                                                                Heavy Construction   
PROJECT ENGINEER:                                                                         Wm. Luke Miller, P.E.
ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE:                                                     $400,000.00 to $500,000.00 (Base Bid)        
BID DATE:                                                                              Tuesday, April 16, 2024    @ 10:00 A.M
BID LOCATION:                                                                                  Allen Parish Police Jury
                                                                                                            602 Court Street
                                                                                                            Oberlin, LA 70655
PREBID MEETING:                                                         Tuesday, March 26, 2024 (Non-mandatory) @ 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                            Allen Parish Police Jury Office
MAJOR ITEMS OF WORK:                Demolition of Existing Timber Framed Bridge
                                                            Demolition of Existing Timber Piles
                                                            Demolition of Existing Timber Abutment Walls
                                                            Regrading Existing Channel
                                                            Construction of Single Span Steel Girder Bridge
                                                            Construction of Concrete Bridge Deck on Steel Plate Deck
                                                            Construction of Concrete Abutment Wall and Pile Cap
                                                            Installation of New Timber Piles
                                                            Salvage and Relocate Existing Guardrails
                                                            Temporary Traffic Controls and Dewatering
                                                            Vibratory Monitoring During Pile Driving (3rd Pary)
The Bid Proposals, Plans, Specifications, Forms of Contract, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance Bond and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the office of the Engineer:
                                                                                        Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson, Inc.
                                                                                              Telephone (318) 448-0888
                                                                                                   100 Engineer Place
                                                                                              Alexandria, Louisiana 71303
A USB flash drive of the bid documents may be obtained from the office of the Engineer.  The cost per USB flash drive will be $40.00 non-refundable, which cost represents the cost of reproduction and handling.  Any requests for bid documents shall be accompanied by payment in full.

Creator Username: APPJ
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 08-Mar-2024 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 16-Apr-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 431 Views
Event Status: Expired since 16-Apr-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
15-Apr-2024 9:47:58 AM CDT
Addendum No. 3 - PLEASE VIEW
10-Apr-2024 5:02:46 PM CDT
Uploaded Addendum No. 2
01-Apr-2024 1:27:40 PM CDT
Addendum No. 1 added. Plans replaced
08-Mar-2024 9:08:25 AM CST
Bid Time Change
08-Mar-2024 9:07:43 AM CST
Bid Time Change
08-Mar-2024 8:38:52 AM CST
Scope of Work was replaced.