Please advise the terms of this contract as well as the specific positions required.
TF1 on 28-Dec-2021 1:04:09 PM CST
The contract term will be for 12 months with an option to renew. The RFP is seeking consultant services, staffing should be adequate to complete identified scope of work.
Please provide additional information on the Occupational Disease Insurance requirement. Thank you.
In 1952, the Louisiana legislature established express statutory authority for the coverage of occupational diseases under Louisiana’s workers’ compensation
Hello, my company is registered in the state of North Carolina, and we have Worker's Comp insurance. Will our current policy satisfy the requirement for Occupational Disease Insurance in
Your insurance provider should be consulted to confirm that adequate insurance coverage has been obtained. Please also note that the RFP indicates that insurance is not required until
contract award.
CSRS on 11-Jan-2022 9:06:37 PM CST
1. Please provide the budget for the proposed contract.
2. Please identify if any incumbent contractors providing similar services.
3. Does EBRPHA anticipate the prospective contractor will co-locate staff with EBRPHA staff or will work be remote?
4. Please provide a list of any specific unmet needs EBRPHA would like funding to support via the funding streams mentioned in the RFP.
5. In the event more technical resources, for example architecture/engineering or other more technical resources are needed for grant applications, does EBRPHA anticipate those
services would be performed and/or subcontracted by the prospective contractor or will EBRPHA contract for those resources separately?
6. Is the prospective contractor’s reimbursement contingent upon successful application for grant funding?
7. Does EBRPHA have any minimum or mandatory labor categories that must be priced to be responsive to the solicitation?
8. Please clarify which folders in section 3.0 proposal format will be evaluated for each evaluation factor noted in section 4.0.
IEMINC on 12-Jan-2022 8:18:45 AM CST
RFP Page 14, Section 4.0 Evaluation Factors: For evaluation criteria 2 Pricing/Staffing, can the EBR Parish Housing Authority identify and elaborate how the 30 points will be divided to
evaluate both Staffing and Pricing?
IEMINC on 12-Jan-2022 9:28:24 AM CST
May the EBR Parish Housing Authority identify if there are any incumbent contractors performing consultant services for public assistance?
IEMINC on 12-Jan-2022 11:16:50 AM CST
RFP Page 11, Section 3.0 Proposal Format: When submitting an electronic proposal, does the EBR Parish Housing Authority expect each of the 12 Folder No. items to be submitted together
in a single PDF document?
Please see below for responses to questions received after Jan. 10th:
1. Please provide the budget for the proposed contract. A budget has not been determined.
2. Please identify if any incumbent contractors providing similar services. We currently to not have any contracts providing similar services.
3. Does EBRPHA anticipate the prospective contractor will co-locate staff with EBRPHA staff or will work be remote? It is anticipated that the majority of work will be remote. If in person
meetings are needed they will be planned and scheduled with adequate notice.
4. Please provide a list of any specific unmet needs EBRPHA would like funding to support via the funding streams mentioned in the RFP. We are looking for funding resources to further
our mission of developing quality affordable housing opportunities for individuals and families while promoting self-sufficiency and neighborhood revitalization. Please see our website, for a list of our housing communities and major initiatives.
5. In the event more technical resources, for example architecture/engineering or other more technical resources are needed for grant applications, does EBRPHA anticipate those
services would be performed and/or subcontracted by the prospective contractor or will EBRPHA contract for those resources separately? Any additional services will be contracted
6. Is the prospective contractor’s reimbursement contingent upon successful application for grant funding? Yes
7. Does EBRPHA have any minimum or mandatory labor categories that must be priced to be responsive to the solicitation? No
8. Please clarify which folders in section 3.0 proposal format will be evaluated for each evaluation factor noted in section 4.0. Experience (Folders 3,4); Pricing/Staffing (Folders
7,8,10,11,12) Project Approach/Plan (Folders 5,6) References (Folder 9).
9. RFP Page 14, Section 4.0 Evaluation Factors: For evaluation criteria 2 Pricing/Staffing, can the EBR Parish Housing Authority identify and elaborate how the 30 points will be divided to
evaluate both Staffing and Pricing? Up to 30 points will be provided based on respondents total fee proposed which will be based on # of staff and hourly rate for each.
10. RFP Page 11, Section 3.0 Proposal Format: When submitting an electronic proposal, does the EBR Parish Housing Authority expect each of the 12 Folder No. items to be submitted
together in a single PDF document? No, each folder should be a separate pdf file.