property for sale, pine grove elementary
Louisiana > Morehouse Parish School Board
Solicitation: 72374910
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The Morehouse Parish School Board is now receiving bids for the sale of property known as the "Pine Grove Elementary School Property" located in Bastrop, Louisiana. The description of the property to be sold is the following described property situated in the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, together with all improvements and appurtenances, to wit:
                      The following described property situated in Bastrop, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, to-wit:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 of C.T. Matheny Resurvey and Subdivision of E½ of NW¼
Of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 6 East, as the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run East along the South line of  said Lot 1 629.63 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 1, thence run North along the East line of said Lot 1 265.62 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence run West along the North line of said Lot 1, 535.0 feet to an iron pin in the East right-of-way line of Bastrop-Bonita Highway; thence run in a southwesterly direction with the East right-of-way line of the Bastrop-Bonita Highway 137.0 feet to an iron pin; thence run South along the West line of said Lot 1, 170.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID PROPERTY CONTAINING 3.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS AND BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF Lot 1 of C.T. Matheny Resurvey and Subdivision of E½ of NW ¼  of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 6 East, lying East of the Bastrop-Bonita Highway.  As per plat thereof recorded in official Plat Book 2, page 75 of the Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 2 of C.T. Matheny Resurvey and Subdivision of E½ of  NW¼ 
Of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 6 East as the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence run East along the North line of said Lot 2 629.63 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2, thence run South along the East line of said Lot 2, 232.14 feet, thence run West parallel with the North line of said Lot 2, 629.39 feet to a point in the West line of said Lot 2, thence run North along the West line of said Lot 2, 232.14 feet to the Point of Beginning, said property containing 3.3 acres more or less and being the northern 232.14 feet of Lot 2, of C.T. Matheny Resurvey and Subdivision of E½ of NW¼ of Section 4, Township 21 North, Range 6 East.  As per plat thereof recorded in Official Plat Book 2, page 75 of the Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.
 Specifications for bid for purchase:
The above described property is to be sold without any warranty whatsoever as to title or the merchantability of the title but with full substitution and subrogation in and to any and all rights and actions of warranty which Morehouse Parish School board has or may have against preceding owners. The immovable property and all improvements will be conveyed and accepted "as is", where is, "without any warranty of any kind whatsoever". Purchaser shall be required to pay the bid price in cash or certified funds and an additional $600.00 for deed preparation and recording fees within fifteen (15) days of the awarding of the bid. If the remaining bid price and S600.00 is not paid within the fifteen (15) days of the awarding of the bid, the 10% will be forfeited and the acceptance of the bid will ipso facto be cancelled without any further action necessary by the Morehouse Parish School Board and the property will be rebid. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 10% of the bid which will be returned if the bid is not accepted. The transfer shall be made by a deed without warranty which is available to all bidders for review, which is part of the specifications, and will be the only document utilized to transfer ownership of the property.
There minimum bid must equal $62,000.00.
Instructions for all bids Bid specifications and bid forms are available at the office of the Superintendent at the Morehouse Parish School Board located at 4099 Naff Avenue, Bastrop, Louisiana or online at The only bids that will be accepted must be contained on a bid form that will be provided by that office or online at the specified web address. For questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 1-225-810-4814. All inquiries should be directed to the Superintendent, Morehouse Parish School Board, P.O. Box 872, Bastrop, Louisiana 71221-0872.
Bids must be delivered to the Morehouse Parish School Board no later than 2:00 pm, February 19, 2020. Sealed bids that are hand delivered or sent by certified mail must be in an envelope clearly marked: "Pine Grove Elementary School Property". Hand-delivered bids should be brought to the 4099 Naff Avenue address and bids sent by certified mail should be sent to the P.O. Box 872, Bastrop, LA 71220-0872
The number of bids and the name of any bidder shall not be divulged until such time as the bids are opened which shall be at the date and time set forth as above as the latest delivery date.
Morehouse Parish School Board
January 29, 2020
February 5, 2020
February 12, 2020

Creator Username: MPSBDSF
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 21-Jan-2020 6:00:00 PM CST
Ends: 19-Feb-2020 2:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 641 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 19-Feb-2020 2:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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