RFP 2023-03 JPS Seeks a Vendor(s) to Provide a Universal Screener and Supplemental Software Addendum 1
Mississippi > Jackson Public Schools
RFP: 71936954
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Jackson Public School District
Business Office Post Office Box 2338
662 S. President Street, Jackson, Mississippi
Telephone: 960-8799 ? Fax Number: 960-8967
Name: Company: Fax No.
Mary or Caroline Clarion-Ledger 601-961-7033 or 1-888-516-9220 ext. 3302
Katrina Jackson Advocate 601-948-4122
Jackie Hampton Mississippi Link 601-368-8481
LaTisha Landing MS Development Authority 601-359-5290
P. O. 562634 - The Clarion-Ledger
Acct. 212327
P. O. 562644 - Jackson Advocate
P. O. 562639 - Mississippi Link
Notice: Please Email Invoices electronically for Payments to Bettie Jones @ [email protected] Proof of Publications are to be mailed to JPSD Attention: Bettie Jones
Clarion Ledger
December 16, 2022 and December 23, 2022
Jackson Advocate
December 22, 2022 and December 29, 2022
MS Link:
December 22, 2022 and December 29, 2022
January 18, 2022 @ 10:00 A.M. (Local Prevailing Time)
RFP 2023-01
JPS Seeks a Partner to Support the Community-Based Early Childhood Alignment
RFP 2023-03
JPS Seeks a Vendor(s) to Provide a Universal Screener and Supplemental Software
I hereby certify that the above legal ad was received. Newspaper: _______________________________
Signed: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Advertisement for RFPS
RFP 2023-01 JPS Seeks a Partner to Support the Community-Based early Childhood Alignment
RFP 2023-03 JPS Seeks a Vendor(s) to Provide a Universal Screener and Supplemental Software
Electronic RFP proposals for the above RFP will be received by the Board of Trustees of the Jackson Public School District, in the Business Office, 662 South President Street, Jackson, Mississippi, until 10:00 A.M. (Local Prevailing Time), January 18, 2023, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all RFPs, to waive informalities, and to withhold the acceptance of any RFP if approved for forty-five calendar days from the date RFPs/ are opened.
There are two (2) options in which RFP proposals may be obtained. Download from Central Bidding website at www.centralbidding.com for a small fee of $49.99 or visit JPSD website at www.jackson.k12.ms.us and download. Vendors must be registered with Central Bidding in order to electronically upload RFPs proposals at no cost. For any questions concerning the process, or how to register, please contact Central Bidding at 225-810-4814.
Until further notice, all hand delivery proposals delivered between 9:00 a.m. until 9:59 a.m. (local prevailing time) the date the bid is scheduled to open, must be delivered to JPSD Board Room, 621 South State Street, Jackson, MS 39201.
Clarion-Ledger December 16, 2022 and December 23, 2022
Jackson Advocate December 22, 2022 and December 29, 2022
Mississippi Link December 22, 2022 and December 29, 2022

Additional Notes/Requirements
See uploaded Addendum 1 for RFP 2023-03
Creator Username: JPSBJ
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 13-Jan-2023 12:15:00 PM CST
Ends: 18-Jan-2023 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 258 Views
Event Status: Expired since 18-Jan-2023 10:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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