Lift Station & Force Main for new Vernon Parish Jail
Louisiana > Vernon Parish Police Jury
Sealed Bid: 70935846
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Vernon Parish Police Jury
P.O. Box 1548
300 S. Third St.
Leesville, LA 71446
Separate sealed Bids for Lift Station & Force Main for Vernon Parish Jail, Vernon Parish Police Jury; MA Project No. A9-14043-DA will be received by the Police Jury, at the Vernon Parish Police Jury Building, 300 S. Third Street, Leesville, LA 71446 until 10:00 AM (Central Standard Time), April 10, 2015, and then at said time and at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
Scope of work includes construction of a new sanitary sewer lift station and force main.
Work Classification:  Municipal and Public Works
The Bidding Documents may be examined at the following locations:
            Meyer & Associates, Inc.                    Vernon Parish Police Jury
            600 N. Cities Service Hwy.                300 S. Third St.
            Sulphur, LA 70663                             Leesville, LA 71446
Copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained at the office of Meyer & Associates, Inc. located at 600 N. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur, LA 70663. A Bidding Document deposit is not required.   
Access to electronic bidding is available through
                                                                                    /s/ James B. Tuck, President
Run Dates
Friday, March 13, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015

Creator Username: vppj
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 13-Mar-2015 8:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 10-Apr-2015 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1598 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 10-Apr-2015 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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