OLD - Hayne Blvd Relief Well Project Attachment: O2280026 Hayne Blvd Relief Well Project - Invitation to Bid.pdf 
Louisiana > Flood Protection Authority - East
Sealed Bid: 69796146
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The project titled “OLD - Hayne Blvd Relief Well Project” is located along the Orleans Parish Levee system on the IHNC.  The work consists of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment for construction of new reinforced concrete drain pipe, manholes and drop inlets, clearing and grubbing, and regrading of the project site, as well as any related and incidental materials and work, as per the drawings and specifications provided in this bid document. The site is located on the south side of the rail road that runs along Hayne Blvd. beginning approximately 225 feet east of France Rd. to Congress Blvd. in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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24-May-2023 9:39:15 AM CDT
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18-May-2023 11:16:43 AM CDT
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28-Apr-2023 7:00:06 AM CDT
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26-Apr-2023 2:15:42 PM CDT
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