School Bus Camera Systems
Agency: Mississippi > Harrison County School District
Reverse Auction: 67731588


The Harrison Count School District will be receiving bids for school bus camera systems.
Project:                  School Bus Camera Systems
The Harrison County School District will accept un-priced proposals until: 10:00 A.M. Thursday, May 27th, 2021, online at Submission will be evaluated, and qualified vendors will be invited to submit priced proposals by online reverse auction on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 at 10 A.M. 

To receive a copy of the specifications please the Transportation Supervisor by email: [email protected]
Specifications may also be downloaded at Harrison County School District reserves the right to amend the specifications, as necessary, and agrees to notify all having requested bid packets.
The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The Harrison County School District reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals or any group thereof and waive any defect or informality in any bid or bidding procedure. For any questions relating to the reverse auction process, please call Central Bidding at
(225)-810-4814. Inquiries regarding the project specifications should be directed to: Tad Shaw, Transportation Supervisor, at the following email: [email protected].
The Harrison County School District seeks to purchase School Bus Camera Systems. The use of said brand name and model is to establish the minimum acceptable quality. Determination of equality is solely in the responsibility of the Harrison County School District.
Please note the School District will be utilizing the reverse auction process for this purchase. The process now requires two steps. If you qualify after the first step on 10:00 A.M. Thursday May 27th, 2021, you will be invited to take part in the Reverse Auction on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 at 10 A.M.  All cost associated with this project SHALL BE included in the Reverse Auction. All instructions are provided within this project packet. If you have any questions during the proposal process, please direct them to: Tad Shaw, Transportation Supervisor, by email: [email protected]. If you have questions on the reverse auction process, please direct those to Central Bidding.
Sealed Unpriced Proposals Due (10am) at May 27, 2021
Reverse Auction (10am-10:30am) at June 3, 2021
Delivery of Proposals:
  1. HCSD will accept sealed proposals until 10:00 A.M. Thursday, May 27th, 2021, online at . Submissions will be evaluated, and qualified vendors will then be invited to submit priced proposals via reverse auction. The Electronic Reverse Auction will be held June 3rd, 2021 at 10 A.M.
  2. Proposals or alterations by paper, fax, email or telephone WILL NOT be accepted.
  3. If HCSD Administrative Office Building is closed for any reason, including but not limited to: acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, epidemics, governmental regulations superimposed after the fact, fire, earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters (the “Force Majeure Events”), which closure prevents the review of proposals at the advertised date and time, all proposals received shall be reviewed the next business day that the district shall be open and at the previously advertised time. The new date and time of the proposal viewing, as determined in accordance with this paragraph, shall not be advertised, and all Vendors/Contractors, upon submission of a proposal shall be deemed to have knowledge of and shall have agreed to the provisions of this paragraph. The district shall not be held responsible for the receipt of any proposals for which the delivery was attempted and failed due to the closure of the district offices because of a Force Majeure Event. Each Vendor/Contractor shall be required to ensure the delivery and receipt of its proposal by CENTRAL BIDDING at the new date and time.
  1. Only one bidder will be awarded for all items.
  2. Proposal prices, unless otherwise specified, shall be net, including transportation and handling charges fully prepaid by the bidder.
  3. All proposals must be firm prices, free of any escalatory clauses.
  4. Prices should include all applicable taxes, as HCSD is a tax-exempt governing authority, tax exemption letter furnished upon request.
  5. While it is the intention of HCSD to purchase the specified quantitates, the right is reserved to accept proposals based on individual line items or by total price whichever is deemed to provide the maximum benefit to the district. The right is also reserved to omit any item or reduce quantitates as necessary to bring the total cost within budgetary provisions.
Proposal Addendum:
  1. Any interpretation of the documents will be made by written addendum only issued by the office of the Director of Federal Programs and a copy of such addendum will be posted on the district website and on . The district will not be responsible for any other explanation of the proposed document.
  2. As per Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended: SEC. 31-7-13. Bid requirements and exceptions: (iv) No addendum to bid specifications may be issued within two (2) working days unless such addendum also amends the bid opening date to a date not less than five (5) working days after the date of the addendum.
Proper Execution:
  1. All proposals must be submitted in accordance with Section 31-7-13 of the Mississippi Code of 1972 as amended and must be properly executed and signed by a responsible officer or employee of the bidder.
  2. Proposals should be checked before submission for accuracy and correctness since HCSD WILL NOT be responsible for any errors for which the bidder is responsible.
  3. The district reserves the right to reject bids from bidders who submit incomplete bids that do not specifically adhere to the bid instructions herein.
Certification of Independent Price Determination:
By signing the PROPOSAL FORM the bidder certifies, in connection with procurement, that to the best of their knowledge and belief:
  1. The prices in their proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for restricting competition; as to any matter relating to such prices with any other vendor or bidder.
  2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to the Reverse Auction specified on page 1 of the BID Instructions, directly or indirectly with any other vendor or bidder.
  3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person or bidder to submit or not to submit a proposal for restricting competition.
Proposals Withdrawal and Modification:
  1. No proposals withdrawals will be accepted by voice conversation, email, letter, telephone, or fax.
  2. If a bidder withdraws his proposal, all documents shall remain in the possession of HCSD, marked as withdrawn, and included in the permanent file for the project.
  3. No proposal shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (3) days following the bid opening date, unless otherwise provided for by law.
Reverse Auction:
  1. The Reverse Auction process is open to the public for viewing at . HCSD contracted vendor, CENTRAL BIDDING, will document a summary of each bidder’s proposals. HCSD staff will answer questions to the extent possible prior to the reverse auction process. Any information provided in the proposal which contains trade secrets, or confidential commercial or financial information and which bidder does not wish to be disclosed other than for purposes of evaluating it must be clearly labeled on each sheet as confidential.
  2. All disclosures of proposal information to interested parties will be made in compliance with HCSD policies and procedures established in accordance with the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 defined in Section 25-61 of the Mississippi Code.
Right to Reject Proposals:
HCSD reserves the right to reject any and /or all proposals or any groups thereof and waive any defect or informality in any proposal procedure.
Proposal Acceptance:
  1. If HCSD accepts a proposal in response to this request, it will accept the proposal of and award the proposal to the lowest and best responsive bidder meeting specifications, price and other factors considered. The lowest proposal may not always be the best. Other factors to be considered included but are not limited to conformity to the specifications; quality; bidder’s ability to provide service, and training; past performance of bidder; financial standing, status of the bidder and the specific scope of the program listed in the checklist.
  2. Unless otherwise stated in the PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS all proposals shall be binding for a minimum of thirty (30) days following the acceptance of the proposal by HCSD.
  1. All items or services shall be billed to the individual department(s)/school(s) to which they are delivered or performed, unless otherwise specified in the checklist/PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS.
  2. All invoices are due in the Administrative Office Building of HCSD located at 11072 Hwy. 49 Gulfport, Mississippi 39503, on or before the last day of each month. If they are not received by that date payment will not be made until the following month.
  3. Payment of above described invoices shall follow regularly scheduled meetings of HCSD school board which meet two times per month.
  4. No negotiations, decisions or actions shall be executed by any bidder because of any discussion with any district employee. Only transactions that are on an HCSD purchase order may be considered official.
Damage or Loss:
  1. Any damage or loss to HCSD property because of any action by the successful bidder in the execution or performance of any items or service in this proposal, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of HCSD’s school board’s designed, at the bidder’s expense, within a reasonable time set forth by HCSD school board.
  2. The successful bidder shall hold the HCSD school board and its officers and agents/employees harmless from liability of any nature or kind whatsoever, because of use of by publisher or author, manufacturer or agent of any copyrighted or un-copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article, environment sensitive material, or appliance furnished or used under this proposal.


• The real-time bidding interface will appear below at the start date and time set by the owner. If you are viewing this page before the set start time of the reverse auction, you may need to refresh the page in your web browser in order to see the real-time bidding interface below.

• The Central Bidding time listed for this Reverse Auction is the official time for the placement of bids. All bidders acknowledge that this Reverse Auction is conducted electronically and relies on hardware, software, internal and external network speeds, as well as other variables that are outside of the control of Central Bidding. Central Bidding does not suggest waiting until the final seconds to place your Reverse Auction Bid. Vendors are solely responsible for the placement of timely bids.

• If you are viewing a Multi-Line Item Reverse Auction and you do not see the next item for bid once the time for that item expires, you may need to refresh/reload your page. You can do so by clicking the "Refresh" or "Reload" button which is normally located near the Home, Forward, and Back buttons in your web browser (depending on which web browser you are currently using).

• For questions regarding automatic extensions of the Reverse Auction time and other Reverse Auction technical information, please refer to the Anti-Bid Sniping section on the Reverse Auction FAQ page.

• When entering a bid amount, you may ONLY enter numbers (and one decimal point if necessary).


Owner/Creator Username: HCSDTS
Reverse Auction Type: Single Item
Bid Solicitation Start Time/Date: 10-May-2021 2:33:59 PM CDT
Bid Solicitation End Time/Date: 27-May-2021 10:00:00 AM CDT
Reverse Auction Start Time/Date: 03-Jun-2021 10:00:00 AM CDT
Reverse Auction End Time/Date: 03-Jun-2021 11:25:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
Status Realtime Event
Action: Sign-In to Bid

Starting Bid Amount: $0.00
Current Winning Bid Amount: $ {current_winning_bid}

Time to auction end:
Realtime bids history
All updates/changes are listed below::
20-May-2021 3:37:01 PM CDT
Answer to Q&A 3
20-May-2021 2:13:28 PM CDT
Answers to Q&A 2
19-May-2021 3:42:55 PM CDT
Answers to Q&A 1
18-May-2021 2:57:52 PM CDT
Recurring Costs
12-May-2021 2:07:22 PM CDT
Specs re-uploaded to include Notice to Bidders and Instructions
12-May-2021 1:19:45 PM CDT
Q&A 1
12-May-2021 1:13:25 PM CDT
Clarified Bid Specifications