ELECTRONIC BIDS for the “City of Thibodaux Street Maintenance Contract” will be received electronically by the City of Thibodaux until 10:00 A.M. local time, on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at which time bids will be retrieved from the Central Auction House (CAH) website and read aloud in the City Council meeting room on the second floor of the City Hall located at 310 West Second Street, Thibodaux, LA. Only electronic bids submitted on www.centralbidding.com will be accepted.
Bid Documents are available for download and examination at 10:00 A.M. on January 20, 2022 only at CAH’s website www.centralbidding.com. To view the bidding documents, download, and receive notices by e-mail, you must register with CAH. For information about the electronic submittal process, contact Central Auction House at (225) 810-4814.
Project Name: City of Thibodaux Street Maintenance Contract 2022
Scope of Work: The Contractor awarded this bid shall be available to perform construction and maintenance work as required by the City of Thibodaux. Such work includes street repairs, paving, maintenance and construction, and any other requirements as identified by the City of Thibodaux.
Bids must be submitted on the Louisiana Uniform Public Works Bid Form furnished with the Bidding Documents. Bid documents will be issued only to contractors and/or subcontractors licensed in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 37:2150 through 2173 of the Louisiana Legislature. This Project shall require a Louisiana Contractors license number for Municipal and Public Works Construction.
A bid will be considered responsive if it conforms in all respects with the conditions and requirements of the Bidding Documents. To be considered responsive, the Louisiana Uniform Public Works Bid Form must; (a) be fully completed, signed and be responsive in all respects to the Bidding Documents; (b) be made on the Bid Forms provided.
The City of Thibodaux reserves the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with Louisiana State Bid Law.
/s/Jennifer Morvant___________
Jennifer Morvant, Council Adm.
Publication Dates: January 20, 2022
January 27, 2022
February 3, 2022