Notice to Bidders for Hot Mix Asphalt
Mississippi > Marshall County
Sealed Bid: 67196326
Listing Information/Advertisement:

            The Marshall County Board of Supervisors will receive sealed bids in the office of the County Administrator, 111 S. Market St., Post Office Box 219, Holly Springs, Mississippi 38635, or bids may be submitted electronically at until 10:00 A.M., Monday, March 18, 2024 and thereafter publicly opened for the furnishing, placing, and compacting bituminous hot mix under maintenance contract No. MC-M-2000.
            Sealed bids shall be received on each of the following items.  Work order (s) shall be issued for individual assignments with payment to be made under the appropriate quantity unit pricing.  Each work order shall be completed within 45 calendar days of the date of the work order.  Haul distance shall be measured from the scales at the asphalt plant to the job site.
4.75 mm St. Mix         Less than 100 tons                  @ $ _________________ per ton
4.75 mm St. Mix         101 to 300 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
4.75 mm St. Mix         301 to 500 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
4.75 mm St. Mix         501 to 750 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
4.75 mm St Mix          751 to 1,000 tons                    @ $_________________ per ton
4.75 mm St Mix          more than 1,000 tons              @ $_________________ per ton
9.5 mm St. Mix           Less than 100 tons                  @ $ _________________ per ton
9.5 mm St. Mix           101 to 300 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
9.5 mm St. Mix           301 to 500 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
9.5 mm St. Mix           501 to 750 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
9.5 mm St Mix            751 to 1,000 tons                    @ $_________________ per ton
9.5 mm St Mix            more than 1,000 tons              @ $_________________ per ton
12.5 mm St. Mix         Less than 100 tons                  @ $ _________________ per ton
12.5 mm St. Mix         101 to 300 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
12.5 mm St. Mix         301 to 500 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
12.5 mm St. Mix         501 to 750 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
12.5 mm St Mix          751 to 1,000 tons                    @ $_________________ per ton
12.5 mm St Mix          more than 1,000 tons              @ $_________________ per ton
19 mm St. Mix            Less than 100 tons                  @ $ _________________ per ton
19 mm St. Mix            101 to 300 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
19 mm St. Mix            301 to 500 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
19 mm St. Mix            501 to 750 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
19 mm St Mix             751 to 1,000 tons                    @ $_________________ per ton
19 mm St Mix             more than 1,000 tons              @ $_________________ per ton
25 mm St. Mix            Less than 100 tons                  @ $ _________________ per ton
25 mm St. Mix            101 to 300 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
25 mm St. Mix            301 to 500 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
25 mm St. Mix            501 to 750 tons                       @ $ _________________ per ton
25 mm St Mix             751 to 1,000 tons                    @ $_________________ per ton
25 mm St Mix             more than 1,000 tons              @ $_________________per ton
4.75 mm St Mix @ $_______________ per ton mile with a minimum freight of $____________ per ton regardless of haul distance.
9.5 mm St Mix @ $_______________ per ton mile with a minimum freight of $____________ per ton regardless of haul distance. 
12.5mm St Mix @ $_______________ per ton mile with a minimum freight of $____________ per ton regardless of haul distance.
19 mm St Mix @ $_______________ per ton mile with a minimum freight of $____________ per ton regardless of haul distance.
25 mm St Mix @ $_______________ per ton mile with a minimum freight of $____________ per ton regardless of haul distance
All bids shall be subject to price adjustment clause in relation to the cost of the Contractor based upon an industry wide cost index, all as set forth by Sections 31-7-13(i), Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, as amended.  Asphalt price adjustments shall be made according to Mississippi State Highway Department Special Provisions.  Vendor shall be responsible for any adjustments in price supported by Industry Wide Cost Index for petroleum products.  Asphalt shall meet or exceed the MDOT specifications.
Envelopes containing bids must be sealed and marked on the outside lower left hand corner:  Bid for Marshall County Road and Bridge Supplies, March 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
BID PRICES ACCEPTED SHALL BE FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS April 1, 2024 until April 1, 2025.
            The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all formalities in the best interest of the County.
            February 5, 2024
            Tim Powell, County Administrator

Creator Username: MCMSDC
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 15-Feb-2024 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 18-Mar-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 177 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 18-Mar-2024 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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