Energy Efficient Transportation Solar Lighting Project
Louisiana > St. James Parish Government
Sealed Bid: 66472642
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The St. James Parish Council will be accepting sealed bids for pole mounted Solar LED Lighting Systems, until 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, in the Office of the Parish President, Convent Courthouse, Convent, La., at which time and place all bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the announced closing time will be returned unopened.

All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the Bidder's name and address and must be addressed on the outside as follows:

PROJECT BID: Energy Efficient Transportation Solar Lighting Project
St. James Parish Government
P. O. Box 106
5800 Highway 44
Convent, LA 70723

Bid proposals must be submitted on the Louisiana Uniform Public Works Bid Form furnished with the contract document. Bid sheets will be issued only to contractors and/or suppliers licensed in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 37:2150 through 2173 of the Louisiana Legislature.

In addition to sealed paper bids received and opened, bid documents will be posted on To view these, download, and receive bid notices by e-mail, you will have to register with Central Auction House (CAH). Contractors will have the option to submit their bids and bid bonds electronically or by paper copy. Any questions about this process, contact Ted Fleming with Central Auction House at (866) 570-9620.

Project Description: The proposed project is to provide energy efficient transportation lighting materials to the St. James Parish Government. The delivery of all necessary materials and components, including but not limited to, lamps, solar panels, batteries, and brackets required to allow the installation of solar lights along existing State and Parish maintained streets and highways.

All products must be American made and comply with the requirements of the LA Department of Natural Resources, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program and the American Recovery and Reinvestments Act of 2009. Funds are made possible through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the EECBG Program administered by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.

Specifications and proposal forms are on file in the Office of the President, 5800 Highway 44, Convent, Louisiana 70723, and may be obtained by prospective bidders upon request.

Creator Username: SJPG
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 07-Oct-2010 12:36:15 PM CDT
Ends: 19-Oct-2010 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 2312 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 19-Oct-2010 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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