Bid 62-24-04: Martin Park Elementary Renovations
Louisiana > Rapides Parish School Board
Sealed Bid: 66141263
Listing Information/Advertisement:


 SECTION 00 0004 – ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDSSealed bids from general contractors duly licensed pursuant to Louisiana’s Contractors Licensing Laws for the major classification of Building Construction are requested by Rapides Parish School System for construction of:
Project Name:   Rapides Parish School Board District 62 Bond Program
                          Martin Park Elementary
                        4203 Lisa St, Alexandria, LA 71302
Project Number:  3222137
Bid Number:      62-24-04           
Bids will be received at the Rapides Parish School Board Office, 619 Sixth Street, Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 (Second Floor Secretary) until 10:00 AM, Local Time on Thursday, September 14, 2023, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidders have the option to submit their bids electronically via the Central Auction House ( Bidders shall be solely responsible for ensuring that their bids are received on or before the bid opening and the owner shall not be responsible for any failure of the delivery method chosen. All bids received after 10:00 AM on September 14, 2023, will be returned to the bidder unopened.
Complete Bid Documents, (Drawings, Specifications & Addenda), can be obtained at If you are not currently a subscriber, you will need to apply for access.  
Prospective bidders desiring further information or interpretations of the Drawings and/or Specifications shall request such data electronically via  Answers to all questions, inquiries and requests for additional information will be issued in the form of Addenda to the Drawings and Specifications and copies of each addendum will be posted on Refer to Instructions to Bidders.
The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond written by a company licensed to do business in Louisiana, in amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount on the forms provided by the Owner in the offer documents and written in accordance with State law.
Bids must be accompanied by bid security equal to 5 percent of the base bid and all additive alternates in the form of either a certified check or a bid bond.
A NON-MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 AM, Local Time on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at Martin Park Elementary, 4203 Lisa St, Alexandria, LA 71302. Bidders are encouraged but not required to be present in order to submit a bid.
The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis stated in the Instructions to Bidders. The Non-Collusion Affidavit, the Affidavit certifying compliance with R.S. 38:2212.10 regarding an employee verification system, the No Convictions Affidavit required by R.S. 38:2227, and other required affidavits/documentation as specified in the Bid Documents must be hand delivered to the Architect by the apparent low bidder within 10 calendar days of the bid opening. No bid may be withdrawn from a period of 45 days after the bid opening except as provided by law. Bidders must meet the requirements of the State of Louisiana Contractor’s Licensing law, R.S. 37:2151, et seq.
The Rapides Parish School System reserves the right to award the project on whatever basis is in the interest of the Owner and to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities.
Advertisement Dates:    August 11, 2023, August 18, 2023, August 25, 2023
Published in The Town Talk

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All updates/changes are listed below::
11-Sep-2023 9:01:10 AM CDT
Addendum 2 added
23-Aug-2023 7:39:28 AM CDT
Addendum 1 added