RFQ - Engineering Services Emergency Backup Generators DR-4611-0126-LA Attachment: Official RFQ - Emergency Backup Generators, Professional Services.pdf 
Louisiana > St. Bernard Parish Government
RFQ: 6480219
Listing Information/Advertisement
St. Bernard Parish Government invites qualified engineering firms to submit a Statement of Qualifications for the following project:
St. Bernard Parish
Engineering Services
Emergency Backup Generators
St. Bernard Parish Government desires to hire a qualified consultant to assist with the evaluation and assessment of various sites, development of design plans, construction bidding and oversight for the installation of emergency back-up generators. In particular, the proposed service includes site evaluations to determine maximum continuous run time, peak load, and required starting and
running watts for generators at enclosed locations. Evaluation of utility lines, design plans to include utility connections, and generator pad or platform with security fencing, as needed.
This project and the procedures for the selection of this firm will be in accordance with all requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA), Housing and Urban Development, Louisiana Office of Community Development, Federal Code of Regulations (2CRF200), the State of Louisiana, and the standard of St. Bernard Parish. All responses received will be evaluated in accordance with the selection criteria identified in the Advertisement and Request for Qualifications information packet available from the Parish. That information also identifies the scope of services to be performed by the selected firm.
All engineering firms shall also be registered with the Louisiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, in accordance with LA RS 37:689. A copy of the current Certificate(s) of Registration shall be attached to each Statement of Qualification. Failure to be registered and in good standing with the aforementioned board will lead to the rejection of qualifications statement. 
St. Bernard Parish Government will award the project to the respondent obtaining the highest recommendation and points based upon a section committee review of the submitted Statement of Qualifications and work references.
Selection Criteria
All responses to this solicitation will be evaluated according to the following criteria and will be evaluated on the basis of any written materials submitted along with verification of previous references. Incomplete or misleading/incorrect information may result in disqualification of a submittal. After initial qualification, the highest scoring firm will be interviewed for reasonable cost negotiation and pricing considerations in relationship to fees and experience.
The following general criteria, in combination with the enclosed Score Card, will be used in evaluating the Qualifications Statements:
Capability to perform all or most of the services required for the project.
Recent experience with project comparable to the proposed project.
Reputation for personal and professional integrity and competence.
Professional background and caliber of key personnel.
Capability to meet schedules and deadlines.
Capability to complete projects without having major construction cost escalations or overruns.
Qualifications and experience of outside consultants regularly engaged by the Engineer under consideration.
Quality of projects previously undertaken.
Familiarity with the project location necessary to fully understand the physical limitations, constraints etc. associated with the project.
 Knowledge of FEMA HMA, FHWA, LADOTD, and Parish regulations, policies, and procedures. 
The contract for this project will be awarded through a qualifications-based selection process. This process shall consist of evaluation of written Qualification Statements. All qualification statements will be reviewed by the Parish selection committee. After contract negotiations, the selected firm will be presented to the Parish President for authorization to enter into a contract for this project.
Weighted Points
Firm/Team Qualifications and Experience
Firm shall be evaluated based on project specific experience and resources. Primary focus should be on the prime consultant’s experience; however, other team members must be considered.
0 – 30
Key Personnel Qualifications and Experience
Specific personnel experience with similar projects must be considered. While firm Principals are listed, they traditionally have little involvement in the design; emphasis should be placed on the project managers and project engineers.
0 – 30
Local Project Experience
Consideration must be given to the firm/team that can show experience with the Parish, local criteria, codes, policies, procedures, and standards to successfully facilitate project completion.
0 – 15
Proposal/Project Understanding
Firm RFQ should identify understanding of project scope, the past work experience for both the firm and the personnel should properly reflect project scope.
0 – 20
Current Workload and Project Awards
Number and size of projects currently under contract must be considered in relation to available staff.
0 – 5
Total Possible Points = 100
Request for Qualifications Package:
Interested parties are invited to secure a RFQ Package from the St. Bernard Parish Government, Department of Public Works, 1125 East St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, Louisiana 70043 (504) 278-4314.  Packages may be secured from the office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except legal holidays) or requested by e-mail at [email protected].  Packages may be obtained from St. Bernard Parish Government Department of Public Works upon request.
Qualification Package may also be viewed and submitted online at www.centralauctionhouse.com.
Submittal Date and Time:
Sealed Request for Qualifications Packages will be received until the hour of 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, in the St. Bernard Parish Government, Office of the Department of Public Works, located at 1125 East St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, Louisiana.
To be a valid delivery, Sealed Qualifications Packages must be delivered electronic by Central Bidding or by hand to St. Bernard Parish Government, Department of Public Works, 1125 East St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, Louisiana during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on or before 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
Sealed Qualifications Packages delivered to any other St. Bernard Parish Government location or other room number prior to the receipt deadline will not be considered.
Additional Information:
Federal funded contract(s) are subject to Federal Procurement Requirements with certification   required by the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment.  Firms must actively be registered on Sam.gov www.sam.gov. Firms must make positive efforts to use small and minority owned business and women business enterprises as required by 2 CFR 200.321.  In addition, CDBG contract(s) must comply with CDBG compliance provisions for professional services.
Compliance with Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act is   required for HMGP funded projects. Compliance Provisions for CDBG Professional Services must be complied to related CDBG funding projects.
The Contractor agrees to abide by the requirements of the Title VI   and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972, Federal Executive Order 11246 and 11375, the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Act of 1975, and Contractor agrees to abide by the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Contractor agrees not to discriminate in its employment practices, and will render services under this contract without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, veteran status, political affiliation, or disabilities. Any act of discrimination committed by Contractor, or failure to comply with these statutory obligations when applicable shall be grounds for termination of this agreement/contract.
The St. Bernard Parish Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. St. Bernard Parish encourages all small and minority-owned firms, DBE, veteran, women’s business enterprises, and Section 3 businesses to apply.   Responding firms are encouraged to utilize minority participation in this contract through the use of disadvantaged and women-owned businesses as suppliers or sub-contractors, etc.
/s/Hillary J. Nunez, Jr.
Hillary J. Nunez, Jr.
Department of Public Works

Creator Username: SBPGTD
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 28-Feb-2025 9:48:00 AM CST
Ends: 01-Apr-2025 10:00:00 AM CDT ( 6d, 9h+ )
History: 437 Views
Event Status: Event open for bids
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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