General Specifications: The Washington County Sheriff is seeking bids for 90 new firearms with 203 trade-ins.
Requirement: Bidders must comply with the following requirements to be considered for the evaluation and award process:
- Bidders must quote 100% of all items within each category; and
- Bidders must list brand names on the items bid.
Information: For additional information, bidders shall direct inquiries to the
Washington County Purchasing Office.
Time Schedule: BID posted on County website and legal notice published, April 20, 2020.
BID requests for interpretations to be submitted by 2:00PM on May 11, 2020.
BID due at 4:00 PM, Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
BID opened at 9:30 AM, Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
For Courthouse Bid Packet Drop-Off:Clearly Write "Bid 2020-07 Sheriff Firearms" on the outside of the sealed package
Come to the Courthouse entry door and wait for Security
Tell them that you have a bid to drop-off for Purchasing
Leave the Bid with them
Washington County Website