Montz Park - Phase I Improvements
Louisiana > St. Charles Parish Government
Sealed Bid: 63115178
Listing Information/Advertisement:


Sealed bids will be received by St. Charles Parish Council, Parish of St. Charles, Louisiana, 15045
River Road, Courthouse Building, Council Chambers, Hahnville, LA, 70057 either by registered or
certified mail with return receipt requested, or hand delivered, or electronically submitted through as noted below on Thursday, January 27th, 2011, until 2:00 p.m. local
time and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud for construction of the project described as

Montz Park Improvements– Phase I

General Scope of Project:

The work covered by this contract comprises the construction of Phase I including: Grading
and earthwork, chain link fencing, aggregate drives and parking, asphalt resurfacing of
basketball court, concrete flatwork and walkways, picnic pavilions, and Related Work as
shown on the Construction Drawings.

Copies of Bid Documents, (Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents) for use in preparing Bids are
available for Contractors properly licensed in Louisiana for viewing and/or purchase at the offices of SJB
Group, LLC, 5745 Essen Lane, Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70810, (225) 769-3400 upon payment of
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) dollars per set made payable to SJB Group, LLC. Documents can be
mailed to bidders for an additional $15.00 per set. Properly Licensed Louisiana Contractors may obtain
copies of the BID DOCUMENTS up to 24 hours prior to bid time.

According to Act No. 478, July 9, 1988, Section 1, R.S. 38:2212: Deposits on the first set of documents
furnished to bona fide prime bidders will be fully refunded upon return of the documents no later then ten
(10) days after receipt of bids. On other sets of documents furnished to bidders, the deposit less actual
cost of reproduction will be refunded upon return of the documents no later than ten (10) days after
receipt of bids. No refund will be given to contractor that has been awarded the project. No refund will
be made to non-bidders or sub-bidders.


Bids from only the respective contractors obtaining plans must be submitted on forms furnished by the
awarding authority. No contract documents shall be issued to anyone except a Licensed Contractor or his
authorized Representative.

Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the bidder, his/her
address, contractor’s state license number and the name of the project for which the bid is submitted. If
forwarded by mail or hand delivery, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another
envelope addressed to the following:

St. Charles Parish Council
Parish of St. Charles, LA
15045 River Road, Courthouse Building
Hahnville, LA 700577

Montz Park Improvements-Phase 1
Contractor Name:______________________
La State License Number:______________________

In addition to paper bids, the St. Charles Parish Council will download electronic bids and electronic bid
bonds for this project. Electronic bids and electronic bid bonds must be submitted through prior to the electronic bidding deadline. Beginning at 2:00 p.m. on
Thursday, January 27th, 2011, local time all bids will be downloaded. No bids are accepted after
2:00 p.m.

All addenda, Amendments, Letters of Clarification, and Withdrawal Notices will be posted online in
addition to paper copies being distributed. Construction proposal information may be accessed via the
internet at . Users must click on Login and create a New user Registration
to view and download plans. Once logged in, users must click on St. Charles Parish Government to view
current advertisement listings. This listing is titled “Montz Park Improvements – Phase I”. Registered
users will have access to view Project Information, submit a question concerning the project, and view the
plans. All project specific notices are found here. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to check for
updates. All submitted questions will be forwarded by email to the Project Manager and the Project
Engineer for a response.

St. Charles Parish shall not be responsible if the bidder cannot complete and submit a bid due to failure or
incomplete delivery of the files submitted via the internet.

Bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Total Bid must accompany each Bid, and shall be
made payable to the Owner.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids for just cause, and to disregard all nonconforming,
nonresponsive, unbalanced, or conditional bids.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday, January 13th, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. at the St. Charles
Parish Department of Parks and Recreation, 171 Keller St., Hahnville, LA. The Pre-Bid Conference
while not mandatory is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis stated in the Instructions to Bidders. No bid may be withdrawn
for a period of 45 days after bid opening except as provided by law. Bidders must meet the requirements
of the State of Louisiana Contractor’s Licensing Law, R.S. 37:2151 et seq. prior to bid.

St. Charles Parish Council
V.J. St. Pierre, Parish President
St. Charles Parish

Advertisement Source and Dates:
St. Charles Herald Guide
The Times Picayune
The Baton Rouge Morning Advocate
Central Auction House
St. Charles Parish Website

Legal Ad to Run:
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Additional Notes/Requirements
See attachments below for more information.
Creator Username: SJBGroupAH
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 30-Dec-2010 7:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 27-Jan-2011 2:00:00 PM CST ( Expired )
History: 3782 Views, 1 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 27-Jan-2011 2:00:00 PM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
SJBGroupAH on 26-Jan-2011 7:46:05 AM CST
Plan holders, Please be aware that there are a total of 3 addendums with regard to the Montz Park Improvements job which are also posted on the this website. The bid opening with be held on Thursday as previously scheduled.
All updates/changes are listed below::
20-Jan-2011 11:00:53 AM CST
03-Jan-2011 8:46:25 AM CST
added attachments: "bid set 121710.pdf" & "montz park_100% signed bid set.pdf"
03-Jan-2011 8:33:51 AM CST
added advertisement for bid attachment: "00105 - adv for bid - mb - 10-12-10.pdf"
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
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