Louisiana > City of Pineville
Sealed Bid: 62774463
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The work to be performed is as follows:
The project includes the demolition of two obsolete drainage pump stations; the construction of a drainage pump station with an enlarged pump sump to accommodate two (2) new mixed axial flow drainage pumps, each with a capacity of 50,000 gpm. The pump station will have auxiliary power for control systems; installation of two (2) parallel steel discharge penstocks (48” diameter) over the levee. The pump station will be constructed in close proximity to an existing pump house that is to remain in service housing two (2) 50,000 gpm hydraulic drainage pumps. The project will also include the construction of a 1.2 acre storm water detention pond located upstream of the Cottingham Expressway near Jones Street.
Construction funding cost totals $8,300,000.

All updates/changes are listed below::
19-Sep-2024 3:19:17 PM CDT
Addendum No. 1 added 9/19/24. Bid date extended
15-Aug-2024 10:59:46 AM CDT
Volume 1 added was left off accidentally.