RB-2324-06 Old Spanish Trail Roadway Improvements Attachment: ITB RB-2324-06 Contractors Bid Tabulation.xlsx 
Florida > Jackson County
Invitation for Bids: 62773877
Listing Information/Advertisement
JACKSON COUNTY (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project(s):
ITB RB-2324-06:  Old Spanish Trail Roadway Improvements:  Contract Time of 90 DaysSealed Bids for the construction of the Project(s) will be received by the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners at 2864 Madison Street, Marianna, Florida 32448 until 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be “publicly” opened and read. The sealed bid submittal shall include 1 original, 2 copies, and one electronic copy on a USB flash drive.  You may obtain electronic Bidding Documents by emailing Lynsey Darragh at [email protected] or at www.centralbidding.com. Questions shall be emailed to Lynsey Darragh at the email address above. The deadline for questions is Thursday, January 11, 2024, by 10:00 am local time. A pre-bid conference will not be held for this project. The Prime contractor at a minimum shall be FDOT qualified in Flexible Paving and Hot Plant-Mixed Bituminous courses. Additionally, the Prime Contractor or Subcontractor shall be qualified in Grading; Grassing, Seeding and Sodding; Pavement Marking; and Roadway Signing. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from other sources.

This Advertisement is issued by:
Owner: Jackson County Board of County Commissioners
By:        Lynsey Darragh
Title:     Procurement Officer
Date:     December 21, 2023

All updates/changes are listed below::
16-Jan-2024 3:55:40 PM CST
Added addendum 2.
11-Jan-2024 11:07:44 AM CST
Added addendum 1.