Inland Rivers Chambering Yard
Louisiana > Port of Greater Baton Rouge
Sealed Bid: 6213928
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The Port of Greater Baton Rouge is constructing a new Railroad Chambering Yard within the
boundaries of the Port Inland Rivers Facility located in Port Allen, Louisiana. This bid package includes
the following: 1) Construction of the Rail Chambering Yard and associated site drainage improvements,
and 2) Construction of a new access road, to provide vehicular access to the Inland Rivers site.

All updates/changes are listed below::
03-Jul-2019 8:29:56 AM CDT
Addendum 7 Issued
02-Jul-2019 3:11:45 PM CDT
Addenda 4, 5, and 6 Issued
01-Jul-2019 10:51:36 AM CDT
Addendum 3 Issued
27-Jun-2019 3:56:19 PM CDT
Only Bidders who attended the June 26, 2019 Pre-Bid Conference are eligible to bid on the Project
27-Jun-2019 1:47:28 PM CDT
added attachments