Herbicide Spraying Services
Mississippi > Union County
Sealed Bid: 6099102
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Union County is requesting proposals (bids) from qualified contractors licensed by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture to provide herbicide spraying services on various roads throughout Union County. The estimated quantity for grass suppression is 328 centerline miles of paved roads and 269 centerline miles for the vertical brush application. Proposals (bids) must be submitted on the bid form provided herein, signed by an owner or officer and dated.
No pre-bid meeting is scheduled
The term of the bid and contract between the County and the Contractor shall be for one year with an option to renew annually for two additional years at the awarded bid price for a total of up to three years. The contract shall become effective upon the award of the bid/contract and until either a notice of termination in writing is given by the County or no later than December 31,2027. Union County reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time if the successful bidder fails to meet the requirements stated in this RFB. The contract shall terminate absolutely and without further obligation at such time as appropriated and otherwise unobligated funds are no longer available to satisfy the obligations of the County under this contract. If, at any time, the County determines it is in its best interest to discontinue use of these services the County reserves the right to cancel this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days’ advance written notice.
Union County reserves the right to terminate the contract, with 30 days’ written notice, for any violations in the terms of this agreement, rules, laws or unreconciled issues arising as a result of this agreement.
Exception to RFB
Each BID shall be deemed to agree to comply with all terms, conditions, specifications, and requirements of this RFB. An “exception” is defined as the Bidder’s inability or unwillingness to meet a term, condition, specification, or requirement in the manner specified in the RFB. All exceptions taken must be identified and explained in writing in your bid and must specifically reference the relevant section(s) of this RFB. If the bidder provides an alternate solution when taking an exception to the requirement, the benefits of this alternative solution and impact, if any, on any part of the remainder of the bidder’s solution, must be explained in detail. The specifications are minimum standards and not intended to exclude comparables of any domestic vendor/manufacturer. Any variances from the specifications must be equal to or better and must be specifically identified in the proposal(bid). It is the intent of Union County that the “Contractor” submitting a bid for this RFB also be the applicator in this RFB. No “subcontracting” will be permitted.
Union County reserves the right to choose the BEST OVERALL PROPOSAL from those submitted that will be the most beneficial for Union County.
Rejection of Bids/Cancellation of RFB
Union County reserves the right to reject any or all submissions, to waive any irregularity or informality in a submission, and to accept or reject any item or combination of items, when to do so would be to the advantage of the County. It is also within the right of the County to reject submissions that do not contain all elements and information requested in this document.
The County reserves the right to cancel this RFB at any time. The County will not be liable for any cost/losses incurred by the Contractors throughout this process. Please be sure to submit Two (2) complete originals with all pages in this Bid/Contract Document
The term "Work" means the construction and services required by the Contract Documents, and includes all other labor, materials, equipment, and services provided by the Contractor to fulfill the Contractor's obligations to complete annual grass suppression on an estimated 328 centerline miles of paved roads.
General Specifications
a) Union County is requesting bids from contractors licensed by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture to provide herbicide spraying services on various roads throughout Union County. The estimated quantity for grass suppression is 328 centerline miles of paved roads. The spray width for paved roads will vary from 10-15 feet from the edge of pavement. The contractor will be required to verify actual coverage areas prior to beginning work. Herbicides and surfactant should be combined and applied simultaneously as recommended by the manufacturer. Price is to include all costs incurred.
b) The intent of the suppression applications is to suppress seed head growth of grasses and eliminate undesirable weeds. A total kill is not acceptable. It is the desire of the County for this to be a no brownout program.
c) Contractor will provide up to three (3) herbicide treatments per year. One pre-emergent application in the winter, one spring/summer application, and one vertical bush application in late summer/early Fall.
1.) Cycle No. 1 (Pre-emergent Application)
a. Timing: November-March
b. Pre-emergent Application Rates:
i. Accord XRT, or equivalent: 10 oz. per acre
ii. Milestone VM, or equivalent: 3.5 oz. per acre
iii. Oust, or equivalent: 1.5 oz. per acre
2.) Cycle No. 2 (Post-emergent Application)
a. Timing: April-August
b. Post-emergent Application Rates:
i.  Derigo 2 oz. per acre
ii. Milestone VM, or equivalent: 3.5 oz. per acre
iii. Spot Application where directed: Outrider, or equivalent: 1.3 oz. per acre with Accord XRT, or equivalent at 8 oz. per acre.
3.) Cycle No. 3 (Vertical Brush Application)
a. Timing: July-October
b. Spray should extend out 10’ and up 15’:
i. Garlon 3A 96 oz. per acre
ii. Round-Up Custom 36 oz. per acre
iii. Escort 1.25 oz. per acre
iv. MSO 38 oz. per acre
d) Contractor will ensure the handling and application of each herbicide is performed by a current Mississippi Department of Agriculture Application licenses, categories V (Aquatic Pest Control) and VI (Right of Way Pest Control). Contractor must provide current copies of licenses for all employees who will work under the terms of this contract with bid proposal. A supervisor will always be required to be present when spraying is conducted. Contractor will provide the name and telephone numbers of all supervisors prior to starting work.
e) Contractor will ensure that weather conditions are consistent for herbicide application as spraying during or immediately after a heavy rain fall or thunderstorm may weaken the overall effectiveness of the herbicide and cause unwanted runoff. If wind is greater than 10 MPH and/or rain is imminent, spraying must cease until weather conditions are more favorable.
f) Contractor will not allow drift. Do not use application when winds in the area exceed manufacturer’s recommendation and the spray pattern cannot be kept on target. The spraying of residential or commercial property is prohibited. Contractor will be responsible for damage to private property, or County excluded property, if herbicide spray should damage such areas.
g) Before applying the herbicides and adjuvants to be used, Contractor shall read and adhere to manufacturers labels for additional information including: Safety Recommendations, Environmental Hazards, PPE, Equipment Calibration, First Aid, and Directions for Safe Use. Contractor will verify areas that do not require spraying such as areas of Right of Way that are commonly maintained by private property owners.
h) Contractor must maintain a daily log sheet of acres sprayed, herbicide rates, roads sprayed, and water usage. All information must be submitted to the County with the invoice at completion.
i) Contractor will provide their own traffic control and strictly adhere to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), current edition. Special attention should be given to Section 6H-17. No separate payment will be made for traffic control as it is incidental to the work.
j) Contractor will be responsible for any accidental chemical spill and will maintain a spill plan and the truck will have a spill plan clean up kit on board. In the event of a spill the contractor will notify all appropriate environmental agencies and will be responsible for all cost and clean up associated with the spill.
k) Equipment will be washed and cleaned daily to avoid contamination of weeds and seeds and other vegetation in other routes. Cleaning of equipment on right of way is prohibited.
l) Night work is not permitted.
m) Contractor will follow all OSHA and Federal Highway Administration Safety Regulations.
n) The ability to complete work in a timely manner is extremely important to obtaining the desired results of the spray program.  Please provide the number of contracts greater than greater than 300 miles that you Currently spray for and be prepared to discuss should you be awarded the contract.
0)Provide the number of spray trucks with tanks of 1,000 gallons or greater that can be used for the completion of this proposal.
Be sure to attach W-9
DATE OF BID___________________
I certify that this Bid is submitted without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a Bid for the same goods/services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand that collusive bidding is a violation of state and Federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences and civil damages awards. I agree to abide by all the conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder.
(TYPE OR PRINT)                                                                                                                      (WHERE TO SEND PAYMENT)
_________________________________________                                                    _______________________________________
Name of Company                                                                            Name of Company
_________________________________________                                                     _______________________________________
Address                                                                                              Address
________________________________________                                                     _______________________________________
City, State, & Zip Code                                                                    City, State, & Zip Code
__________________________________________                                                  _______________________________________
Phone Number                                                                                  Phone Number
__________________________________________                                                  _______________________________________
Fax #                                                                                                 Email Address 
______________________________________ OR _____________________________________________
Tax ID Number                                                Social Security Number
Name & Title of Person Authorized to Sign
___________________________________________                                                ___________________________________________
Name (Print)                                                                                     SIGNATURE
Attach binders for proof of workers’ compensation and liability insurance.
Contractor’s Certificate of Responsibility
The Contractor must write their Certificate of Responsibility number on the outside of the envelope or include it in the electronic bid if using the electronic bid rather than sealed bid.
The limits of liability for the insurance required by the General Conditions shall not be less than the following amounts:
Workers Compensation
(1) State Statutory
(2) Applicable Federal
(3) Employer’s Liability $100,000
Comprehensive General Liability (including Contractual Liability, Premises – Operations; Independent contractor’s Protective; Products Liability – Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage:
1. General Aggregate (Except Products – Completed Operations) $2 Million
2. Products – Completed Operations Aggregate $1 Million
3. Personal and Advertising Injury (per Person/Organization) $1 Million
4. Each Occurrence (Bodily Injury) $1 Million
5. Each Occurrence (Property Damage) $1 Million
6. Excess or Umbrella Liability $2 Million
a. General Aggregate $2 Million
b. Each Occurrence $2 Million
NOTICE TO BIDDER: Certificates of Insurance shall be submitted with the Contractor’s Bid.
Appendix C
Pre-emergent Application
Post-emergent Application
Vertical Brush Application
Per Acre
TOTAL BASE BID                                                                                                                                  __________________
 Bid submitted by: ________________________________________________________
                                                                             Company Name
______________________________________________                                        ____________________________________________
Name (Print)                                                                                                          Signature
Appendix D
In order to ensure Contractor is capable of adequately providing the type of service being requested, please provide 4 references for customers that you provide similar roadside spraying services for within 150 miles of Union County, MS.  The type of work provided should include both Roadside Weed Control services as well as Vertical Brush spraying.
Reference #1
_________________________________    _______________________   _____________________
County/Entity                                                 Contact                                    Phone Number
Reference #2
_________________________________    _______________________   _____________________
County/Entity                                                Contact                                    Phone Number
Reference #3
_________________________________    _______________________   _____________________
County/Entity                                                Contact                                    Phone Number
Reference #4
_________________________________    _______________________   _____________________
County/Entity                                                Contact                                     Phone Number                  
Number of current Contracts of 300+ miles: _____________________________________________
Number of 1,000 + gallon spray trucks that could be used for these application_________________

Additional Notes/Requirements
Notice is hereby given that Union County, Mississippi is requesting sealed bids for Herbicide Spraying services on various County roads. Specifications with the Bid Form are on file with the Union County Purchase Clerk at 108 East Main Street, New Albany MS 38652 and may be obtained by contacting Tammy Flowers, Purchase Clerk, at the address above or by calling 662-534-1903. Bids must be signed, dated, and submitted on the bid form included in the specification package. Bids shall be received on or before 10:00 a.m. Friday, November 22, 2024, and will be opened shortly thereafter, at the Union County Board of Supervisors Office, 108 East Main Street, New Albany, Mississippi 38652. Bids may be mailed to Tammy Flowers, Union County Purchase Clerk at P.O. Box 847, New Albany, Mississippi 38652, or hand delivered to 108 East Main Street, New Albany, Mississippi 38652. Please write on the outside of the envelope “Sealed Bid for Roadside Herbicide spraying”. Your Certificate of Responsibility number must be included on the face of the bid envelope, in accordance with MS Code Section 31-3-21(2). Union County shall not be responsible for untimely postmark/delivery of bids submitted by mail. You may submit an electronic bid if you choose rather than sending a sealed bid by contacting Central Bidding at 1- 225-810-4814. The website for Central bidding is “www.centralbidding.com”. If you choose this method, you must include your Certificate of Responsibility number in the electronic bid as well. The Deadline for submitting your bid is 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 22, 2024. Awards will be made based on the lowest and best bid. The Union County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Board also reserves the right to waive minor technicalities on bid proposals when it is in the best interest of Union County. Any questions about submitting your bid should be addressed to Purchase Clerk Tammy Flowers or County Administrator Terry Johnson at 662-534-1903. Approved by the Board of Supervisors on the 7th day of October 2024. /s/ Sam Taylor, President Union County Board of Supervisors Publish: October 30 & November 6, 2024
Creator Username: UCMSTF
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 30-Oct-2024 8:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 22-Nov-2024 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 232 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 22-Nov-2024 10:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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