Fletcher Administration Building Renovations Project
Alabama > City of Tuscaloosa
Sealed Bid: 60942370
Listing Information/Advertisement:

CITY OF TUSCALOOSA PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SECTION ONE ADVERTISEMENT AND NOTICE FOR BIDS ( 2021 ) Sealed bids will be received by the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, a Municipal Corporation, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, 2201 University Boulevard, on the 21st day of June , 2021 until 10:00 a.m., o'clock, local time, and then publicly opened and read for the furnishing of all labor and material (where required) and equipment for performing a public works project according to the plans, details, specifications and Contract Documents. Award of the contract will be made within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of the bid opening. Special COVID-19 Requirements: Due to the recent events associated with the Coronavirus the following requirements will be enforced during site visits, pre-bid meetings and the public bid opening: 1. All those attending the site visit, pre-bid meeting and bid opening shall comply with all Federal, State, and City of Tuscaloosa requirements associated with the virus COVID-19 (Coronavirus). 2. Face coverings that fully cover the nose and mouth are required for employees and public visitors on the premises of all City-owned and -operated facilities 3. Only one representative for a bidder shall attend the pre-bid meeting and bid opening. 4. All those attending any meeting shall be healthy and not display any symptoms of sickness. 5. All those attending any meeting shall sit 6’-0” apart from all others in the room. 6. Any individual not complying with any of these requirements will be asked to leave the premises immediately 1. The Project: A. The Project shall be known as Fletcher Administration Building Renovations Project and the general character of said public works project shall consist of the following: Interior renovations including painting at the Hilliard N. Fletcher Water Resource Recovery Facility B. The approximate quantities of said Project are as follows: See Scope of Work and Specifications Document. C. Special instructions are as follows: N/A D. The City will furnish the following: See Scope of Work and Specifications Document. E. Time of Construction: From the date stated in the Notice to Proceed, the Project time of construction is 190 consecutive calendar days. 2. Plans and Specifications: Plans and specifications and all related Contract Documents are open for public inspection at the office of Infrastructure and Public Services Administration , located at 2201 University Blvd., Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The contact person for the project is Gene Hopkins, Facilities Maintenance Manager. They can be reached at 205- 248-5266. A. Plans, specifications and Contract Documents may be obtained at the above location upon the deposit of $ 00 , which amount does not exceed twice the cost of printing, reproduction, handling and distribution of each set of such documents. Deposits by prime Contractor bidders are refundable in full upon return of all documents in reusable condition within ten (10) days of bid opening. Additional sets of bid documents for prime Contractor bidders, subcontractors, vendors or dealers may be obtained upon payment of the same deposit. Such deposits will be refunded, less the cost of printing, reproduction, handling and distribution, if all the documents are returned in reusable condition within ten (10) days of bid opening. B. All eligible refunds of deposits for plans and specifications will be made by the City within twenty (20) days of bid opening. C. Official Bid Documents can also be downloaded at www.centralbidding.com. Electronic Bids can be submitted at www.centralbidding.com. For any questions about the electronic bidding process, please contact Central Bidding at 225-810-4814 or [email protected]. 3. Qualification of Bidders: A. All bidders must be responsible, meeting the criteria and requirements set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and bid proposal. B. Prequalification of Bidders IS ; IS NOT required. If prequalification of bidders is indicated to be required by the preceding sentence, then written prequalification information is available for review at the same office where plans, specifications and Contract Documents are available. C. The attention of all bidders is called to the provisions of State law governing "general Contractors," as set forth in Ala. Code §34-8-1, et seq. (1975), and rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. D. If a construction manager is being utilized and this contract is one of a multiple of trade contracts, then the bidder shall be fully licensed for the trade, as determined by applicable law. E. The City may not enter into a contract with a non-resident corporation or entity which is not qualified under State law to do business in the State of Alabama. F. All bidders shall possess all other licenses and/or permits required by applicable law, rule or regulation for the performance of the work. G. All bidders must submit with their proposal, Contractor's license number and a copy of the license. State law, Ala. Code §34-8-8(b), requires all bids to be rejected which do not contain the General Contractor's current license number. H. The City reserves the right to reject all bids and/or reject and rebid the Project should it determine the same is in the best interest of the City. 4. Construction Manager: If the preceding blank is marked with an affirmative indication, it means that this contract involves the use of a construction manager and this contract is one of several multiple trade and/or multiple prime contracts for work on the Project. Bidders attention is called to the supplemental conditions attached to the General Conditions of the Contract Documents regarding this topic. 5. Bid Bonds: Each bidder must submit with its bid a cashier's check drawn on an Alabama bank or a fully executed bid bond on the form that is contained in the Contract Documents executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make bond in the State of Alabama. All bonds, sureties and/or cashier checks will be made payable to the City for an amount not less than 5 percent of the City's or its engineers or architects estimated cost of the Project or of the total bid in the proposal, but in no event more than $10,000.00. 6. Sales and Use Tax Savings: Alabama Department of Revenue Rule 810-6-3.69.02(2010) exempts certain payment of state, county, and municipal sales and use taxes by the contractor or subcontractor on tangible personal property to be incorporated into the realty pursuant to a contract with a municipal corporation such as the City of Tuscaloosa. All tax exempt purchases shall be in accordance with the laws of this state and the Alabama Department of Revenue. It is the sole responsibility of the successful contractor to make the necessary inquiries and determinations as to what materials or items of tangible personal property to be incorporated into the project qualify as tax exempt in the opinion of the Alabama Department of Revenue. Unless otherwise noted, the project will be bid and administered in compliance with the State of Alabama Act 2013-205, Certificate of Exemption from Sales and Use Tax for Governmental Entities, regarding sales and use taxes. Sales and use taxes shall not be included in the bid. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a certificate of exemption from the Alabama Department of Revenue for purchases of materials and other tangible property made part of the project. Any subcontractors purchasing materials or other tangible personal property as part of the project shall also be responsible for obtaining a certificate of exemption. The estimate sales and use tax saving must be accounted for on the bid proposal. Failure to provide the estimated sales and use tax savings may render the bid as non-responsive. Other than determining responsiveness of the bid, sales and use tax accounting shall not affect the bid pricing nor shall be considered in the determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. 7. Pre-Bid Conference: Attendance at the MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference is required for this Project. The Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held in the Daugherty Room at Tuscaloosa City Hall, 2201 University Boulevard, Tuscaloosa, Alabama on June 14, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. local time. NOTE: All bidders are advised to carefully read the Instructions to Bidders contained in the Contract Documents, which provisions and requirements are adopted herein by reference. CITY OF TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Walter Maddox, Mayor [END ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID—OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY]

Additional Notes/Requirements
Pre-bid is June 14th at 10:00am in the Daugherty Conference Room at Tuscaloosa City Hall. A pre-bid walkthrough of the Hilliard N. Fletcher Water Resource Recovery Facility will follow.
Creator Username: CTALKT
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 11-Jun-2021 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 21-Jun-2021 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 409 Views
Event Status: Expired since 21-Jun-2021 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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