SOQ 25-006
Supplemental Legal Services
The Parish of Jefferson, authorized by Resolution No. 145683 is hereby soliciting a Statement of Qualifications (Professional Legal Services Questionnaire) from persons or firms interested in providing various professional legal services.
Deadline for Submissions: 3:30 p.m., February 20, 2025
The following criteria, listed in order of importance, will be used to evaluate the statement of the firms submitting, with only those persons and/or firms receiving an overall cumulative score of at least seventy (70) percent or greater, of the total possible points for all categories to be assigned by the participating legal services evaluation committee members shall be deemed qualified to perform outside legal services tasks:
(1)Professional training and experience in relation to the type of workrequired for the outside legal services. (Maximum points awarded shallbe thirty-five (35).)
(2)Size of firm and capacity for timely completion of newly assigned workconsidering the number of professional and support personnel requiredto perform the type of outside legal service tasks and the firm's currentunfinished workload. (Maximum points awarded shall be thirty (30).)
(3)Past performance by person or firm on parish contracts. Assertions of faultby a person or firm, which shall include time delays, cost over-runs,and/or malfeasance in prior work completed for the parish shall beevidenced by substantiating documentation provided by the parish attorneyand received by the chairman of the evaluation committee a minimum oftwo (2) weeks prior to the scheduled date of the legal services evaluationcommittee meeting. (Maximum points awarded shall be ten (10).)
(4)Location of the principal office where work will be performed. Preferenceshall be given to persons or firms with a principal business office at whichthe work will be performed as follows: (1) Jefferson Parish, includingmunicipalities located within Jefferson Parish (15 points); (2) NeighboringParishes of the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Region, whichincludes Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles and St.Tammany Parishes (12 points); (3) Parishes other the foregoing (ten(10)points); (4) outside the State of Louisiana (six (6) points). Maximumpoints awarded shall be fifteen (15).)
(5)Adversarial legal proceedings between the parish and the person orfirm performing professional services, in which the parish prevailed, andexcluding those instances or cases where the person or firm was addedas an indispensable party, or where the person or firm participated in orassisted the public entity in prosecution of its claim. In the event that theperson or firm fails to provide accurate and detailed information regardinglegal proceedings with the parish, including the absence of legalproceedings, the person or firm shall be deemed unresponsive withregard to this category, and zero (0) points shall be awarded.(Maximum points awarded shall be fifteen (15) for the lack of any suchadversarial proceedings as defined.)
(6)Prior successful completion of projects of the type and nature of legalservices, as defined, for which firm has provided verifiable references.(Maximum points to be awarded shall be five (5).)
That the person and/or firm submitting a Statement of Qualifications (Professional Legal Services) shall have the following minimum qualification: at least one Firm Representative, as defined in Section 2-926 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, who is licensed to practice law in the State of Louisiana, with a minimum of five (5) years’ experience.
All persons and/or firms must submit a Statement of Qualifications (Jefferson Parish Professional Legal Services Questionnaire) by clicking on “Business with the Parish” under Business Services, and then clicking on “Professional Legal Services Questionnaire”, and submit a Statement of Qualifications (Professional Legal Services Questionnaire) for each sub-consultant firm or individual. (Refer to Jefferson Parish code Ordinance, Section 2-928).
Submissions are to be submitted on the eProcurement site at www.jeffparishbids.net.
Those submissions will only be accepted electronically via the Parish’s eProcurement system, Central Bidding. Central Bidding can be accessed by visiting either www.centralauctonhouse.com or www.jeffparishbids.net. All vendors will be required to register with Central Bidding. Jefferson Parish vendors are able to register for free by accessing the following link: www.centralacutionhouse.com/registration.
No submittals will be accepted after the deadline.
Affidavits are not required to be submitted with the Statement of Qualifications, but shall be submitted prior to contract approval.
Insurances are not required to be submitted with the Statement of Qualifications, but shall be submitted prior to contract approval.
Disputes/protests relating to the decisions by the evaluation committee or by the Jefferson Parish Council shall be brought before the 24th Judicial District Court.
ADV: The New Orleans Advocate: February 5, and 12, 2025