Plan Room Only - Electronic Bids Will Not Be Accepted through Central Bidding for this project.

NOTE: You must register as a Prime Bidder with the owner of this Public Bid in order to submit a bid. You may NOT
register as a Prime Bidder to bid this project through Central Bidding. This is a Plan Room Only Project.

Dennis Freeman Memorial River Park Playground Resurfacing Attachment: 22021.00 Logansport Dennis Freeman Playground Resurfacing.pdf 
LAGC Plan Rooms > LAGC Plan Room - North
Solicitation: 5978909
Listing Information/Advertisement
For Informational Purposes Only 

Creator Username: AGCDS
Started: 15-Dec-2022 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 12-Jan-2023 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 188 Views, 2 Messages
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
blissproducts15 on 04-Jan-2023 2:20:30 PM CST
1) Is it acceptable if we use all SBR base on this project as opposed to foam padding. This is how we usually install turf, but we can get the foam too if necessary. 2) I would like to see if synlawn is an approved equal. I'm sure it is, we just want to cover our bases if possible. See attached information on SynLawn product.
AGCDS on 04-Jan-2023 2:21:52 PM CST
I am not the owner of this project. This listing is for informational purposes only for LAGC members.
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