Coquille Mill Events Pavilion
Louisiana > St. Tammany Parish Recreation District #14
Sealed Bid: 59077351
Listing Information/Advertisement:

In summary, the work includes the construction of a 12,820 under roof square foot multi-purpose event building as well as an adjacent 910 square foot standalone office. Additional items include outdoor plazas and pedestrian spaces, approximately 4,500 of raised decking and a 52 space asphalt parking lot.

Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
All updates/changes are listed below::
02-Sep-2022 11:06:11 AM CDT
Addendum #4 - Response to RFI, Prior Approvals/Approved Substitutions (Lighting Fixtures).
26-Aug-2022 11:29:20 AM CDT
Addendum #3 - Responses to all RFI received to date, Architectural & Electrical Drawing Revisions and Revised Specifications.
23-Aug-2022 5:20:00 PM CDT
Addendum #2: New Specification Added: Section 133419 - Metal Building Systems. See also change to sewer lift station #4 location/requirements and associated electrical change.
19-Aug-2022 8:44:30 AM CDT
Addendum #1: The Mill Events Pavilion Bid Date has been extended until Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Pre-Bid Meeting notes and a copy of the Pre-Bid Meeting sign in sheet are included as part of this addendum.