Sealed bids will be received by St. Martin Parish Government at any time or day prior to, but no later than 10:30 AM. on January 14, 2025 for the above listed project.
The work will consist of removal and installation of fire hydrants throughout the City of St. Martinville. This work shall include the installation of tapping sleeves, valves, concrete and asphalt removal and replacement, and other miscellaneous work required to perform the scope of work.
The work will also include the installation of an Automatic Meter Reading System (ARMS) to read water meters in an automated manner. The system will consist of furnishing and installing water meters, encoders, cellular meter modules, Advanced Metering Analytics (AMA) software, software hosting, training and support necessary to furnish a cellular network meter reading system and other miscellaneous work required to install new meters.
Bids may be mailed to St. Martin Parish Government, 301 W. Port Street, St. Martinville, LA 70582, or delivered to the bid opening. Bid documents may also be viewed, downloaded, and submitted online at until the deadline listed below.
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on January 7, 2025 at 10:30 AM. at the City of St. Martinville, City Hall located at 120 South New Market Street, St. Martinville, LA 70582.
All bids with a properly executed envelope, will be opened publicly, and read aloud on January 14, 2025 at 10:30 AM. in the Carroll J. Fuselier Meeting Room, located in the office of St. Martin Parish Government at 301 W. Port Street, St. Martinville, LA 70582. The construction cost estimate will be read aloud upon opening of bids.