Property For Sale-Bid for Bonita School Property
Louisiana > Morehouse Parish School Board
Solicitation: 58820604
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The Morehouse Parish School Board is now receiving bids for the sale of property known as the "Bonita School Property" located in Bastrop, Louisiana. The description of the property to be sold is the following described property situated in the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, together with all improvements and appurtenances, to wit:

Lots 13 and 14 of Block 17 of the Village of Bonita; and being the same property acquired by the Vendor herein from Louisville Cooperage Company as per deed dated February 12, 1936, and recorded in Conv. Record 83, page 398, of the Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.
The following described property situated in Morehouse Parish, La., together with all improvements thereon to-wit:
Lots 15 and 16 of Block 17 of the Village of Bonita; and being a portion of the same property acquired by Vendor herein from R.C. White as per deed dated February 10, 1936, and recorded in Conveyance Record 83, page 397, of the Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.
The following described property, situated in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, to-wit:
Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Block 17 of the Village of Bonita, Louisiana, as per official plat and map of said Village on file in the Conveyance Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana – and being the same property acquired by R. C. White and H.A. Moss as per deed recorded in Conveyance Book 47, page 230, of the Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.
The following described land situated in the Village of Bonita, La., to-wit:
Situated in the North edge of the S1/2 of SW1/2 of Section 5, T22N,R8E.  Beginning at the back line of the original survey of the Village of Bonita 10 ft. South East of the Eastern corner of fractional Block 17, this front being reached by measuring the South side of 5th Street from _______ Avenue 870 ft., S. 45° _____ 13_____ ft.  Set post near fence, thence S. 45° E. 363 ft. set post for southmost corner, thence N. 45°E 363 ft. set post thence due N. 31 _____ ft. to fence line – known as the North boundary of Miss Causeys land – thence with fence 295 ___ft. – thence along the town boundary S. 45° _____198 ft. to _____ of beginning containing 4 acres more or less.
The following described property, situated in the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana, together with all buildings and improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to-wit:
From the Southwest corner of Block 11 in Bonita, Louisiana, run south 4 degrees 50 minutes East 217.15 feet to an iron pipe and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue on the same course 40 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes East 67.1 feet to a pump point; thence South 3 degrees 15 minutes East 244.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 44 degrees 50 minutes West 256.46 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 45 degrees 10 minutes East 104.0 feet to the Point of Beginning.  Containing 0.419 acre more or less.
The following described property situated in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and all appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, to-wit:
From an iron pipe at the southernmost corner of Block 17 of the Village of Bonita, Louisiana, as shown by plat recorded on Page 777 of Notarial Record book P of the Records of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, and thence run South 44 degrees 47 minutes East 20.0 feet to an iron pipe and the POINT OF BEGINNING, and being the same point of beginning of that certain 11.25 acre tract of land acquired by B.T. Young from Miss Lillian Causey as shown by deed recorded on Page 233 of Conveyance Book 60 of the Records of Morehouse Parish, and thence turn and run South 45 degrees 13 minutes West along the line of said 11.25 acre tract of land 235.1 feet to a pipe that is 1.1 feet beyond a fence post and fence line; thence run South 50 degrees 05 minutes East along the line of said 11.25 acre tract of land 316.57 feet to an iron pipe; thence run North 51 degrees 33 minutes East a distance of 361.89 feet to an iron pipe at a fence corner and being at the southernmost corner of that certain tract of land acquired by the Morehouse Parish School Board as shown by deed from N.J. Causey and recorded on Page 486 of Notarial Record Book 39 of the Records of MOREHOUSE Parish, Louisiana; thence run North 45 degrees 43 minutes West along the southwest line of the School property 355.20 feet to an iron rod at the westernmost corner of the tract of land acquired in deed recorded on Page 486 of  Notarial Book 39 and being 20.0 feet distant from the southeastern line of Block 17 of the Village of Bonita; then run South 45 degrees 13 minutes West parallel to and 20 feet distant from the southeast line of Block 17 of the Village of Bonita, Louisiana, and being the northwest line of the 11.25 acre tract of land first mentioned a distance of 148.0 feet to an iron pipe and the Point of Beginning.
The above described tract of land being situated in the Village of Bonita, Louisiana, and being situated also in the South One Half of the Southwest One Quarter (S ½ of SW ¼) of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 8 East, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, and containing 2.85 acres, more or less and being shown by heavy outline on the attached plat of survey made by Henry M. Messinger, Land Surveyor.
SUBJECT TO that right-of-way or privilege for the installation of sewer lines to the Town of Bonita described in the Donation Inter Vivos recorded in Conveyance Book 513, Page 454 bearing file number 152910 of the records of the Parish of Morehouse, State of Louisiana.
The following described property, situated in Morehouse Parish, La., together with all improvements thereon, to-wit:
From the South corner of Block 11 of the Original Town of Bonita, run South 49 deg. 50’ East 20 feet to an iron pin and the point of beginning, run thence South 45 deg. 10‘W 185.65 feet to an iron pin, thence North 85 deg. 07’ East 214.05 feet to an iron pin, thence North 44 deg. 50’ West 107.15 feet to point of beginning, being 0.23 acres in the South West ¼ of Sec. 5 T.22N.R.8 East.
The following described lot or parcel of ground situated in the Village of Bonita said Parish & State, together with all the improvements thereon, to be _____ for white children only.  The West half of the following described lot to-wit:  Commencing at the W. W. __________ Car established by A. E. Washburn Surveyor of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Sec. 5 T22 N.R. Eight East, running North 3 _____ chains.  Thence N 77° ft. to place of beginning, said lot being situated in the NW ¼ of SW ¼ of Sec. 5 – T22 _____ Range eight east and containing one acre of land more or less.  Said West half thereof containing one half of an acre.

Specifications for bid for purchase
The above described property is to be sold without any warranty whatsoever as to title or the merchantability of the title but with full substitution and subrogation in and to any and all rights and actions of warranty which Morehouse Parish School Board has or may have against preceding owners. The immovable property and all improvements will be conveyed and accepted "as is", where is, "without any warranty of any kind whatsoever." Purchaser shall be required to pay the bid price in cash or certified funds and an additional $500.00 for deed preparation and recording fees within fifteen (15) days of the awarding of the bid. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 10% of the bid which will be returned if the bid is not accepted. The transfer shall be made by a deed without warranty which is available to all bidders for review and which is part of the specifications.
The minimum bid for purchase must equal to $25,500.00, which is 85% of appraised value of $30,000.00.
Instructions for all bids, bid specifications and bid forms are available at the office of the Superintendent at the Morehouse Parish School Board located at 4099 Naff Street, Bastrop, Louisiana.  Official Bid Documents are available at Central Bidding.  Electronic Bids are accepted at Central Bidding.  Central Bidding can be accessed at For questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814.  All inquiries should be directed to the Superintendent, Morehouse Parish School Board, P.O. Box 872, Bastrop, Louisiana 71221­-0872.
Bids must be delivered to the Morehouse Parish School Board no later than 10:00 A.M., May 3, 2016. Sealed bids that are hand delivered or sent by certified mail must be in an envelope clearly marked: "Bonita School Property." Hand-delivered bids should be brought to the 4099 Naff Street address and bids sent by certified mail should be sent to the P. O. Box 872 address.
The Morehouse Parish School Board reserves the right to reject any bid for sale or to accept the highest bid that meets specifications.
Hazel Sellers, Interim Superintendent
Morehouse Parish School Board
April 12, 2016
April 19, 2016
April 26, 2016

Creator Username: MPSBDSF
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 07-Apr-2016 3:41:43 PM CDT
Ends: 03-May-2016 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1221 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 03-May-2016 10:00:00 AM CDT
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