Retractable Theater Platform, Lighting, and Curtain System
Louisiana > St. Mary Parish School Board
Sealed Bid: 56768547
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The general scope of this project includes fabrication and installation of all materials and equipment necessary to create a retractable theater platform, lighting, and curtain system.  This equipment shall be delivered and installed at the specified job site located in Patterson, Louisiana. Upon completion, an instructional seminar shall be arranged for facility personnel. Both the installation and instructional seminar are to be provided by factory personnel.
The equipment shall generally consist of:  Modular folding stage platforms, curtains, rigging, lighting, electrical distribution material, dimmers and dimmer controls, wireless light controller, etc. as required for a complete and functional system.
The base bid shall include fabrication of one complete theater system to be installed at an existing public school located in Patterson, La, with an alternate bid for a second complete theater system to be installed at a separate public school located in Patterson, LA.

Sealed Bids for the fabrication and installation of a Retractable Theater Platform, Lighting, and Curtain System for the St. Mary Parish School Board; will be received until 10:00 A.M., local time, on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, in the School Board Maintenance Office, at the St. Mary Parish School Board Central Office Complex, 474 Hwy 317, Centerville LA, and shall at that time and place be publicly opened and read aloud.  Bids may also be submitted electronically and Contractors can obtain bid related materials and post their electronic bids at  Any Bids received after the above mentioned time will be returned unopened.

Creator Username: JFirmin
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 13-Jul-2016 7:00:00 PM CDT
Ends: 09-Aug-2016 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 1627 Views, 0 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 09-Aug-2016 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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04-Aug-2016 9:59:56 AM CDT
Uploaded Addendum 1, Attached Revised Bidform, AIA Document A312