Body Worn Cameras-Cancelled, will be reissued
Agency: Mississippi > City of Greenville
Reverse Auction: 56552277


Bid will be reissued


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Owner/Creator Username: CGMSAW
Reverse Auction Type: Single Item
Bid Solicitation Start Time/Date: 16-Oct-2024 12:00:00 AM CDT
Bid Solicitation End Time/Date: 08-Nov-2024 11:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
Reverse Auction Start Time/Date: 08-Nov-2024 3:26:00 PM CST
Reverse Auction End Time/Date: 08-Nov-2024 3:00:00 PM CST
Status Public event
Action: Sign-In to Bid

All updates/changes are listed below:
08-Nov-2024 3:30:06 PM CST
Specifications for the bid will be reposted at a later date.
31-Oct-2024 4:37:40 PM CDT
Questions were presented by a proposed vendor:
22-Oct-2024 5:19:47 PM CDT
Addendum has been added for changes to Section 4. Specifications

Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
on 21-Oct-2024 1:49:22 PM CDT
What is the expected timeframe for this project? Is the City of Greenville planning to purchase before the end of 2024?
CGMSAW on 31-Oct-2024 4:49:21 PM CDT
Questions presented by a proposed vendor: 1. Does the city issue smartphoones to all officers and what brand? Answer - No, only to some officers. Smartphones that are issued are Apple products. 2. This company provides software that only utilizes smartphone technology with an application that works as a body camera and the device is Android. Is the city opposed to the device being acquired separtely from their cell carrier of choice: Answer - The city is opposed to a separate carrier and is only interested in a body worn camera. 3. Does the city currently have a body camera vendor, and if so, who is the vendor? Answer - Yes, Motorola. 4. Why is there a clear reference to the Axon Body 3 camera and therefore a clear reference to that vendor on the RFP? Answer - An addendum was issued and posted removing any relationship for a specif vendor and well as the quantity requested. Please see addendum posted on 10/22/2024. 5. How many from one company can attend the reverse bid process: Answer - The process is online and amy be viewed by all with an ID and password.
UtilityAssoc on 04-Nov-2024 10:39:08 AM CST
If we will be participating in the Reverse Auction, please confirm that the completion of the Price table on Page 4 is NOT required.
CGMSAW on 05-Nov-2024 11:30:37 AM CST
Additional questions and answers: Question - When proposal is submitted for 11/12/24, does that proposal need to include pricing? No. Only the specifications you are offering are to be submitted on 11/12/24. No prices should be submitted at this time. The equipment, accessories, and maintenance that you propose is to be submitted to determine if it meets the specifications in the RFQ. Question - Provide more information about how pricing needs to be structured. Will vendors provide only a solution total? One single price, solution total, should be offered that covers the quipment, accessories, and maintenance on 11/14/2024 during the online bid process.. Question - Confirm that the completion of the price table on page 4 is not required. For the bid placed during the Reverse Auction on 11/14/2024, provide a single price that represents your entire offering. Page 4 refers to any vendor that submits a paper bid. Online bidders should provide a total for its product. dollar amount for its product.
CGMSAW on 07-Nov-2024 1:56:08 PM CST
Additional questions presented by a proposed vendor: 1. Do you require the ability to retrieve data that was not previously recorded for this bid solution? Answer - Yes 2. Do cameras need to be able to interface with two-way radio to initiate a recording? Answer - Yes 3. Do you want cameras that have swappable batteries so as to better accommodate extended shifts by officers? Answer - Yes 4. Do you require event category tagging in the field? Answer - Yes. It will be great for officers to label each video such as a domestic, traffic stop, etc. 5. Do you require the body worn camera to have a display visible to the user? Answer - No.