CDBG Grant HVAC for the City of Thibodaux Attachment: 2101 combined drawings.pdf 
Louisiana > City of Thibodaux
Sealed Bid: 55653611
Listing Information/Advertisement
The construction as shown and described in the Contract Documents consists of a mechanical upgrade with associated electrical as follows: (This is a partial list. Refer to the rest of this specification and drawings for additional notes and information.)
1.         Mechanical demolition
a.         Existing gas fired furnace to be removed and be turned over to the Owner. If Owner does not want the furnace, Contractor shall haul off the site. Contractor to disconnect gas line, electrical line, outside air ducts, supply air ducts, refrigerant lines, and gas flue ducts along with control line.
b.         Contractor to disconnect existing condensing units and turn over to Owner. If Owner does not want condensing units, Contractor shall haul off the site.
c.         Contractor to disconnect existing thermostat and haul off as debris.
d.         Contractor to disconnect and remove existing 48” x 24” wall return air grille and haul off as debris.
e.         Existing gas flues to be removed.
f.          Existing gas lines to be disconnected and modified to accommodate installation of new gas fired furnaces.
g.         Section of pant leg duct supply connection to existing ductwork to be removed and hauled off as debris.
2.         Mechanical Plan Keynotes:
a.         Existing concrete equipment pad to remain and be reused. Contractor to extend as required to accommodate installation of new condensing units.
b.         Contractor has option to reuse existing refrigerant lines for new condensers provided that existing refrigerated lines are of sufficient size and approved by manufacturer’s representative.
c.         New gas fired furnaces with coil. Contractor to modify existing return air plenum to accommodate the installation of the two (2) units and seal connection air-tight.
d.         Provide new 4” gas flue for each of the two (2) gas fired furnaces.
e.         Contractor to modify duct as required to accommodate installation of both manual volume damper and motorized damper.
f.          Existing combustion air inlet and outlet ductwork to remain and be reused.
g.         Contractor to provide new pant leg supply duct extension from outlets of units and transition to existing supply air ductwork as required.
h.         Existing floor drain shall be field routed in new PVC condensate drain line to respective floor drain as required.
i.          Existing water heater to remain.
j.          Existing electrical panel to remain and be reused.

Additional Notes/Requirements
OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Electronic bids will be received by the CITY OF THIBODAUX until 10:00 am on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022, at the Council Chambers located at 310 West 2nd Street, Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301, at which time bids for the CDBG GRANT HVAC, Architect’s Project Number 2101, will be retrieved from Central Auction House (CAH) website and read aloud. Only electronic bids submitted on will be accepted. Bid documents are posted on To view these, download, receive bid notices by email, and submit the bid, you must register with Central Auction House (CAH). Vendors/Contractors must submit their bids electronically. For information about the electronic submittal process, contact Ted Fleming with Central Auction House at 1- 866-570-9620. No project Contract Documents will be provided by the Architect or Owner. Bid prices shall specifically EXCLUDE any and all taxes whatsoever. Act 1029 of 1991 exempts’ local governments from state and local tax effective September 1, 1991. Bid prices shall include any shipping charges, if applicable. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause; such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. Each bidder must have an active Unique Entity ID (SAM), as verified on, prior to the beginning of construction. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security of not less than five (5%) percent of the total bid amount. Said amount shall be in the form of a Bid Bond, Certified Check, or Cashier’s Check drawn on a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation payable to the City of Thibodaux. Each Bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U. S. Department of Treasury Circular 570. The Contractor shall begin mobilization and procurement of materials within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Notice to Proceed. The Attention of Bidders is called particularly to the requirements for conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Executive Order 11246, and all applicable laws and regulations of the Federal government and State of Louisiana and bonding and insurance requirements. Any person with disabilities requiring special accommodations must contact the City of Thibodaux no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening. IN PARTICULAR, BIDDERS SHOULD NOTE THE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS TO BE EXECUTED AND SUBMITTED WITH THE BID PROPOSAL. *NOTE: Grantee may choose to insert language regarding the encouragement of minority and Section 3 businesses to submit a bid proposal. The successful lowest responsible and responsive bidder shall be required to furnish the Owner with a performance bond for 100% of the contract amount prior to the issuance of a contract to perform the work. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The time of completion of this project is prime importance. The Bidder agrees to commence work under this contract not later than the date indicated in the Owner’s written Notice to Proceed. All of the work required shall be completed within 150 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. Should the Contractor neglect, refuse or fail to complete the work or obtain approval from the State Fire Marshal’s Office for occupancy on the amount of calendar days indicated above, the Owner shall have the right to deduct from and retain out of such moneys which may be due or which may become due and payable to the Contractor, as indicated in Article 9 of the Instructions to Bidders for each and every day that such completion of the work is delayed beyond the prescribed date / calendar days, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. If the amount due and to become due from the Owner to the Contractor is insufficient to pay in full any such liquidated damages, the Contractor shall pay the Owner the amount necessary to affect such payment in full. Provided, however, that the Owner shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing of the manner in which the amount retained, deducted, or claimed as liquidated damages was computed. It is hereby further stipulated that the Professional of Record receives hourly compensation as indicated in the Owner/Architect Agreement for continued contract administration for the Project. This hourly compensation shall be deducted from monies which may become due and payable to the Contractor. Bids must be submitted on the Louisiana Uniform Public Works Bid Form furnished with the Bidding Documents. Bid sheets will be issued only to Contractors and/or Subcontractors licensed in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 37:2150 through 2173 of the Louisiana Legislature. Contrac
Creator Username: cityofthibodaux
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 18-Nov-2022 12:00:00 AM CST
Ends: 15-Dec-2022 10:00:00 AM CST ( Expired )
History: 554 Views
Event Status: Expired since 15-Dec-2022 10:00:00 AM CST
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
09-Dec-2022 10:36:19 AM CST
Addendum No. 2 - Pre-bid sign-in sheet / mech keynote modification
05-Dec-2022 2:36:56 PM CST
Addendum No. 1 - Pre-bid information, etc.
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed
For entire project AirXperts,LLC =SEALED= 15-Dec-2022 9:36:04 AM CST
AirXperts, LLC
3979 Highway 311
Houma, LA 70360
[email protected]
State Licence Number: 69497

To: City of Thibodaux
310 W. 2nd Street
Thibodaux, LA 70301

Owner: City of Thidodaux
310 W. 2nd Street 
Thiboduax, LA 70301

Project Name:
CDBG Grant HVAC City of Thibodaux

Project Number: 

Bid Date and Time:
December 15th, 2022 @ 10:00 am.

Addendum #1 12/05/2002
Addendum #2 12/09/2022

Sealed Bid
Delivery: 0 Days
CDBG Bid (1).pdf
Bids Added by Agency/Owner
Username Bid Amount Type Company name Bid Amount Bid Placed