Louisiana > Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office
Sealed Bid: 55594000
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed bids will be accepted by the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Department for the following:

Unleaded (Branded) gasoline, minimum of 87 octane to be purchased at retail outlets on the east side and west side of the Mississippi River in Ascension Parish.

Fuel purchased shall be provided through a Vehicle Fleet Management System.
Bidder shall provide a secure fuel card which may be used throughout Ascension Parish with no initial card fees or replacement fees.

Bidder will insure that commercial fueling stations are spread throughout Ascension Parish with at least one site open 24 hours per day in each of the following geographic areas on the east side of the Mississippi River:

North of La. 621 and West of U.S. 61
North of La. 621 and East of U.S. 61
South of La. 621 and West of U.S. 61
South of La. 621 and East of U.S. 61


At least one fueling station on the West Side of the Mississippi River that is open from 5AM to 10PM.

All fueling transactions shall be provided on weekly reports which should include the following:

Date, time & location of fueling
Vehicle description & unit number
Driver name
Gallons pumped
Odometer reading
Miles per gallon per vehicle
Miles traveled between fill- up per vehicle
Gallons, current and extended price
Total consumption for week
Itemized tax summary

Bidder shall provide documentation of increases or decreases in rack price on a daily basis to support prices changes. In the case where OPIS is used, bidder shall supply OPIS report on a regular basis.

Each bid shall be for the contractual period, July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Bid price shall be based on a cost plus method. Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office acknowledges that cost will fluctuate, but the margin shall remain constant throughout the contractual term.

The bid price to be submitted shall be the entire cost, including freight, that will be charged above the rack price or opus, excluding applicable taxes. Invoices shall include applicable taxes over bid price. All purchases to be paid on a net 30-day basis.

Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked "Sealed Bid for Gasoline” and delivered or mailed to the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office, 300 Houmas Street, Suite E, P.O. Box 268, Donaldsonville, LA 70346, in time for bid opening.

Bids to be opened Monday June 21st, 9:00 A.M., at the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office, Courthouse, 300 Houmas Street, Suite E, Donaldsonville.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any formalities.

Jeffrey F. Wiley, Sheriff

June 4th, 11th, 18th, 2010
Gonzales Weekly /Citizen

Creator Username: APSOMM
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 03-Jun-2010 2:41:45 PM CDT
Ends: 21-Jun-2010 9:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 2079 Views
Event Status: Expired since 21-Jun-2010 9:00:00 AM CDT
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