Power Cots
Louisiana > Lafourche Ambulance District #1
Sealed Bid: 55184119
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Lafourche Ambulance District #1
17078 West Main Street
Cut Off, La 70345
         Lafourche Ambulance District #1 is now accepting bids on one (1) power ambulance cot. Bid should include individual pricing for individual power ambulance cot purchasing, with the option to buy additional power ambulance cot. Pricing shall be good for 365 days.
Bid packets and specifications can be obtained by contacting Brady Daigle, Lafourche Ambulance District #1, (985) 632-7192.
Bids should be submitted to 17078 West Main St. Cut Off, LA 70345. In a sealed envelope plainly written on the outside in BOLD print (“Sealed Bid” “Power Ambulance Cot”).
Bids will be opened at 10:10 AM (CST) on Friday, September 7, 2018 at Lafourche Ambulance District #1, 17078 West Main Street, Cut Off, LA.  No bids will be accepted after 10:00 AM on Friday, September 7, 2018.
Bid packets are also available on line and electronic bids may also be submitted at WWW.Centralbidding.com
     Lafourche Ambulance District #1 reserves the right to reject any and all                                                                                   bids in accordance with the State Public Bid Laws.
Bid packet should include 4 pages total. 

Creator Username: LAD1
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 16-Aug-2018 9:10:56 AM CDT
Ends: 07-Sep-2018 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 946 Views
Event Status: Expired since 07-Sep-2018 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
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