Request for
St. Helena Parish, Louisiana
St. Helena Parish Police Jury is soliciting proposals from grant management firms, which will provide qualified personnel familiar with Federal and State grant programs, including but not limited to ARPA, LGAP, CWEF, Capital Outlay, CDBG, DOTD, FHWA, FMA, HMGP, HUD, and LWI. The successful Consultant will advise and recommend the course of action on behalf of the Parish in all grant related activities as the primary decision maker and authority responsible for implementing the programs and earning reimbursement of all expenditures.
Interested parties are invited to obtain a Request for Proposal package by contacting Mr. Roderick Matthews, OEP Director, for the St. Helena Parish Police Jury Office, at 225-222-4549, or by sending an email to
[email protected].
Firms/individuals who are interested in providing services under this RFP must submit a proposal containing the information specified in sections 4 and 5. The fully completed proposal with original signatures by an authorized representative must be received in hard copy (printed) version by the Office of the Police Jury before 3:00 PM Central Standard Time on the deadline date specified in the Schedule of Events. Fax or e-mail submissions shall not be acceptable. Proposers mailing their proposals should allow sufficient mail delivery time to ensure receipt of their proposal by the time specified. The proposal package must be delivered at the proposer’s expense to:
OEP Director
St. Helena Parish Police Jury
17911 Hwy 43 Greensburg, Louisiana 70441
It is solely the responsibility of each proposer to assure that their proposal is delivered at the specified place and prior to the deadline for submission. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
Electronic bidding and official bid documents are available at
St. Helena Parish is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority, women-owned, and small disadvantaged businesses are encouraged to participate.